Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

David Blackburn - papers relating to his service in New South Wales, 1788-1792
MLMSS 6937/1/4

[Page 1]
By His Excellency Arthur Phillip Esq., Governor in Chief and Captain General, in and over His Majesty's Territory of New South Wales and its Dependancies and Captain of His Majesty's Ship Sirius.

You are hereby required and directed to go on Board the Golden Grove, Store Ship (the master having my Order to follow your directions) and proceed with the said ship to Norfolk Island. Where you will land the people, Stores and Provisions put on board for that purpose, and of which a particular amount will be given you by His Majesty's Commissary for this settlement. And having so done you are to receive on board such [spars?] and Deals as the Commandant of the Island may be able to put on board, with which you are to return to this Port, without further loss of time.

Given under my hand at Head Quarters, Port Jackson, New South Wales, this 25th September 1788.
A Phillip.

To Mr David Balckburn, Master of His Majesty's Armed Tenders Supply.
By Command of His Excellency.
David Collins, Secretary.

[Page 2]
By His Excellency Arthur Phillip, Esq, Captain General & Governor in Chief
in His Majesty's Territory of New South Wales & its Dependencies.

Whereas Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball Is from Sickness unable to proceed to Sea, with His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply, of which you are Master, and I think fit that you should command her during his absence, or until you should receive further orders.    You are hereby required and directed to take upon you the Charges of Command of the said Armed Tender accordingly, & proceed without Loss of Time to Norfolk Island, where having landed the Stores & Provisions which have been put on board by His Majesty's Commissary for that Purpose, as well as such kind of other Provisions as you can conveniently spare, for the Use of that Settlement, You are to receive on board the Officers, Seamen, Marines late belonging to His Majesty's Ship Sirius, with whom you are to return to the Port.

For which this shall be your Order.
Government House, Sydney
This 17th day of January 1791.

To Mr. David Blackburn
hereby appointed to
command His Majesty's
Armed Tender, Supply.

By His Excellency's Command.
David Collins

[Page 3]
By His Excellency Arthur Phillip Esq, Captain General & Governor in Chief, in & over His Majesty's Territory of New South Wales & its Dependencies.

Whereas Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball is from Sickness unable to proceed to Sea with His majesty's Armed Tender Supply, of which you are Master, & I think fit that you should command her during his Absence or until you shall receive further Orders.

You are hereby required & directed to take upon you the Charge of Command of the said Armed Tender accordingly. And having received on board, the Stores which the Commissary has directed to send for the use of the Settlers on Norfolk Island; & the Officers, Soldiers and others named in the Margin, You are immediately to proceed to Norfolk Island; where you will land the said People, Stores Jca.; [etc] and having received on

[Persons named in the Margin]

Mr. Thomas Jamison, Af [?]

Owen Cavanagh.
James Proctor.
James Painter.
William Hambly.
Robert Watson.
William Mitchell.
Peter Tober. [?]
John Drummond.
Samuel King.
Charles Heritage.

New South Wales Corps.
William Hill Capt.
Edward Abbott Lieut.
Jno. Thos. Prentice Ens.
Jas. Brackenrig Serj. [?]
Jno. Gardner Corpl.
John Dell Drummer
John Abraham Priv.
Joseph Baylis "
Thomas Bolton "
James Capey "
Theoph. Fueterell "
John Haycock "
Will. Hook "
Edwd. Hemmings "

[Page 4]
on board such Persons as the Commanding officer on the Island may send with a barge a Quantity of Deals, Axes & other Articles for the use of this Settlement as you can conveniently stow you are to return to this Port without further Loss of Time. For which this shall be your Order.

Government House Sydney
This 19th of March 1791

A Phillip

To Mr. David Blackburn Hereby, appointed to command His Majesty's Armed Tender, Supply By Command of His Excellence

David Collins

[Persons named in margin]

New South Wales Corps.
Thomas Lloyd. Private.
Joseph Lunn. "
James Morris. "
Robert Middleton. "
John Miller. "
Charles McCarty. "
Samuel Marsden. "
Lachlan Hope. "
Lach. Sherrard. "
Joseph White. "

Male Convicts

Moses Tucker.
Jonothan Griffiths.
William Knight.
Jeremiah Ponten.

[Page 5]
Extract of letters from Gov. Phillip to Mr Stephens dated Sydney 18th Nov. 1791

The very Officer like Conduct of Mr David Blackburn, as Master of the Supply, and during the time he commanded that Vessel, while Lieut. Ball was Sick on Shore, make it [indecipherable] incumbent upon me to point him out as an Officer deserving of their Lordships Notice

[Page 6]
These are to Certify the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy That Mr David Blackburn Serv'd as Master on Board His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply Under my Command from the 8th Day of April 1787 to the 7th Day of April 1788 during which Time he Complied with the general Printed Instructions and was Sober and Obedient and never Six Weeks absent from duty

Given under my Hand on Board His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply

Sydney Cove Port Jackson New South Wales the 7th of April 1788

A.H. Ball

[Page 7]
These Are to Certify the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy that Mr David Blackburn Serv'd as Master of His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply, Under my Command from the Eighth day of April 1791 to the Eighth Day of April 1792. During which Time he Comply'd with the General Printed Instructions. was Always Sober and Obedient to Command and was never Six weeks Absent from Duty Either by Sickness or Any other Occasion

Given under my hand on Board His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply
This Eighth day of April 1792

A.H. Ball

[Page 8]
These are to Certify the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy, that Mr David Blackburn, Served as master of His Majesty's Arm'd Tender Supply, Under my Command; form the 8th Day of April 1788 to the 8th Day of April 1789 During which Time, he Complyed with the General Printed Instructions, Was always Sober and Obedient to Orders; and was not Absent, from the Said Tender, Six Weeks, at any one Time , either by Sickness or any other occasion.

Given under my Hand on Board His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply,
This 8th Day of April 1789.

A.H. Ball

[Page 9]
These are to Certify the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy that Mr David Blackburn Serv'd as master of His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply, Under my Command from the Eighth Day of April 1792 to the date hereof. During which Time he Comply'd with the General Printed Instructions - was Always Sober and Obedient to Command. and has not been Six Weeks Absent Either by Sickness or any other Ocassion and has had no Opportunity of making Remarks the Said Armed Tender having been for the most part in port

Given under my hand on Board His Majesty's Armed Tender Supply
 This 15th Day of May 1792

A.H. Ball