Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Journal of Mr James Mathers missionary for The Rocks District, August 1908-October 1910
MLMSS 7260 / Item 13

[Page 1]
  August 1908.
Fri 7th Today I give to Mrs J. 32 Cumberland St an order for groceries. The poor woman has 4 of a family & her husband idle. She had no food & her poor little children hungry. When I give them bread, she was so thankful that the expression of joy could be clearly seen in her face & she thanked me very kindly for the timely relief.

Tonight the choir met for practice, in connection with lighted meeting.

Sat 8th
Sabb 9th At 8.30 We held our usual free breakfast & gospel meeting. The men enjoyed a good hearty breakfast. Every one seemed to have a good appetite, & put away a lot of good sandwiches.

Immediately the tables were cleared good singing & bright testimonies were given & the men enjoyed the gospel sang & spoken. 4 o'clock we held our Sabb School 43 were present.

At 6 o'clock I conducted our bible reading. The subject was "The dwelling place of the Holy Ghost." "Know ye not ye are the temples of the Holy Ghost." The subject was blest to each of our souls. The true secret of power, is the fact that in our hearts must dwell the Holy Ghost.

[In the margins:- Jankins]

[Page 2]
  August 1908
Sabb 9th Continued. At 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. Notwithstanding the unfavourable condition of the weather we had a good lively meeting.

Mon 10th Today I call on & visited 16 families giving each of them a pressing invitation to our united missionary meeting which was to take place the following day! I had also to make the necessary provisions for our missionaries. Looking forward for a good time.

Tue 11th Today was the first of ten weeks mission to be carried on in each of our districts. The missionaries all met in my hall at 10 o'clock prompt with the exception of Mr Emery who was on holiday.

After portioning off to one the street in which they were to visit, we went hearty to work. We must have visited & called on over 400 houses droping a hand bill & when convenient droping a word for the Master & giving them a hearty invitation to our united meeting. After lunch we went to visit again, but unfortunately for our visiting the rain fell in torents which prevented our visiting but we had such a favourable forenoon we managed to go over the Principals part of my district.

[In the margins:- United Mission]

  August 1908
Tue 11th Continued. All the missionaries returned to the hall for tea. Some of the welcome guests at the table were Rev Mr Moore Gen. Secy. & Mr Penfold, my super. After enjoying a good tea & homely conversation with each other it is now time for our meeting! I am pleased & thankful to God that notwithstanding the very wet night we had a real good turnout of people. The greater number of them were not regular attendents, turn through the faithful visiting of the Missionaries, I believe a good number of them came to the meeting more especially when we take into consideration that Tue night is not my meeting night. There were about 100 present.

The Gen. Secy. took the chair & after Praise & Prayer & the reading of the scripture, Mr J.M. Main Central Mission hall, give a splendid address. There was a Power behind it which drove it home to many hearts. The people listened with earnestness, & one could easily see from the anxious appearance upon the faces of the people, that the address had got grip & grit with it. The Rev Mr Moore drew in the net. He plead earnestly with the people to surrender their hearts to Christ.

[In the margins:- United Mission]

[Page 3]
  August 1908
Tue 11th Continued. I do thank God for the evidence of His saving Power at the very out start of our special meetings. There were others deeply impressed & which I mean to follow up. I do hope & trust that the Presence of God may attend all the efforts put forth by the Missionaries in our districts for the advancement of His cause.

Wed 12th This forenoon I visited Sydney Hospital W & J wards. Alf Wright one of my band lads is in J ward. He has been very ill but today he is getting on all right I had a word of encouragement with him & pointed him to Jesus as the only one who could help in every time of need. I had also a word of Prayer with him. He is a good lad & was very pleased & cheered by my visit.

I visited W ward to see Mr Light a bro to my Cornet player, who met with an accident through his horse running away. I had Prayer with him. Poor man he was in a Semi Conscious condition. He died just after I left him.

I visited & called on 11 families, then attended our missionary prayer meeting. We had a soul refreshing time.

[In the margins:-Visiting hospital]

  August 1908
Thu 13th Today I visited & Called on 18 families & had the opportunity of introducing the one thing needful. I also dealt with several groups of men at the St corners the only place we can reach them, especially this class of men who wait at select places for their work.

It is very difficult thing to deal with these men, They idle their time & join in anything but profitable conversation. They are very sceptical regarding religious subjects & one requires tact to reach them. Nothing but kind treatment will go down with them.

At 7.30 I conduct our Gospel meeting. There were over 80 present.

Fri 14th Mrs M. Gas lane is a very poor woman with 9 of a family & her husband only gets a casual days work.
The poor woman had no bread in the house for the children, poor little creatures they were in a most pitable condition. If anything in this world ought to appeal to the Christian heart it is children without bread. After a word of gospel cheer, I give her an order for groceries which helped to lighten the burden. The poor woman expressed her thanks for kindness shown to her in time of distress.

[Page 4]
  August 1908
Fri 14th Continued. In Gloucester St I called on I visited 17 families & where it was convenient I dealt with them about their souls.
Tonight The choir met for practice in the interest of the United Choir in Town Hall next month. We had a very good practice . Mr May Choir Master run them through the parts selected for the occasion.

Sat 15th Today at 3 o'clock we held a jumble sale. There were a good number of women took advantage of the sale. The proceedes was £2-18-12.

Sabb 16th This morning at 8.30 I conducted the free Breakfast & Gospel Meeting. After those were admitted with tickets. There still remained outside 20 & amongst them there was a boy 18 years of age. My heart is always touched when I see a boy like this knowing that he most invariably is the breaking of some fond mothers heart. I give orders to allow the man to come to reach the boy. As he took his seat along with the men I put my arms around his neck & said, My lad have you got a father & mother to which he replied in tears, I have. Where do you

[In the margins:-F.B.]

  August 1908
Sabb 16th Continued. Come from? He said Hamilton Newcastle. I ran away from my home. I have as good a mother as ever lived & my father is a good man. He wanted me to stay in the house at night & not run with bad company & I thought it was rather hard on me, & I stole £2 -0-0 & cleared. Now sir I can see it was for my good. I shall never do the like again. I told him to wait after the meeting as I wanted to see him & try & have him wright before he would leave.

During the meeting there was a young man give his testimony telling the story of his life how that he used to gamble & ramble with bad company & took money from his father who was wealthy man. Then he told the story of his conversation which was very appropriate to the young man, case. By this time the lad was weeping bitterly. At the close I got him on his knees & there he Professed Christ. I then asked him if I would communicate with his parents but he said not until he could return & make good what he had done wrong. I give him tea at night with the workers telling him that I would get him work

[In the margins:-F.B.]

[Page 5]
  August 1908
Sabb 16th Continued. At 4 o'clock we held our Sabb school.
At 6 o'clock I conducted our bible reading subject, "The emblems of the Holy Ghost." It was a refreshing time to our souls. I find this meeting necessary to the upbuilding of the workers, & greatly helpful to our work.

7.30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting.
One very remarkable feature in the meeting was a seat occupied by class of character you will seldom find in a meeting. There a man sat along side his wife with his head bandaged as the result of drunken brawl. His wife quite a young woman is also a drunkard. Then next to her sat a young woman whom, some years ago I found upon an opium bed half dead from the effects of the drug. & along side of her was a young man , her companion in sin.
The pedyree of this lot is really to be found I happen to know their whole career, but cannot put it in ink.

I think I never was lead to speak more pointed upon drunkness & sin pointing to the past experience of what I had wittnessed in the haunts & dens of enequity.

Those characters felt the blow & knew I had found them there. At the close of

[In the margins:-Evangelistic Meeting]

  August 1908
Sabb 16th Continued. the meeting they remained behind & After a conversation went to their knees & Professed Christ & signed the Pledges Promising to attend the meetings & bring others with them. Nothing too hard for God. He saves to the uttermost.

Mon 17th This morning I went to North Sydney Ferry Coy in persuit of work for the boy Haddock, to whom I refere in my report of Sabb 16th . I met Mr Brown the Manager & explained matters to him, & he said any boy that I could recommend from my district he would start if there was a vacancy. I sent the boy & I am very thankful he got a start, After some time when he recovers I shall send him back to his parents.

I afterwards called on & visited 18 families in Harrington & Gloucester St.

Tue 18th Today I called on & visited 20 families in Aribles & Lower Geo St I got from the school of the women bright & encouraging words regarding the Missionaries who visited that part on the 11th inst. I believe much permanent good was done through that days visiting.

At 4'oclock Mr Love conducted the men's gospel meeting & give a very warm earnest address which I believe left good impressions.

At 7 o'clock Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope & there was a good turnout – The children did enjoy themselves

[Page 6]
  August 1908
Wed 19th This forenoon in Harrington & Cambridge Sts I visited & called on 12 families. I had a very profatible time in the house of J. J where I met Mrs H a woman whom I have found in places of ill fame often & she told me the following story. I was run in to No 4 last Saturday night for being drunk. There was another woman in the cell with me whose husband come to see her & brought with him a flask of what was supposed to be water & it turned out whiskey we drank it all night & on Monday morning when removed by the prison van to water police court, we were 20 much under the influence of strong drink that the Magistrate sent us right to Darlinghurst gaol.

On Sabb morning a young Minister from Scotland Preached to us& sang a little scotch hymn, It brought to me conviction of soul & I there & then resolved to be Christs from that time forward.

Now I am going to write to the matron & tell her how I am getting on. Strange to say that she is now in the house of the man & woman who took the Pledge & Professed Christ on Sabb night last & to whom I make reference to in my report, giving full particulars. The two woman are now helping each other on & she is going to stay with her.

I attended the Missionaries Prayer Meeting & had a real blessing.

[In the margins:- Jones, Converted in Prison]

August 1908
Wed 19th Continued. Tonight at 7.30 I went to the female refuge & conducted the Gospel Meeting "There were about 40 women & I took the 14th Chapter of John thinking that the loving words of Jesus to his disciples would help to cheer them. I wanted to convey to them that Jesus loves them. They listened very earnest to the word & at the close I requested all those who wanted to give their hearts to Jesus & quite a number held up their hands. May the blessed Master find His way to their hearts.

I next visited a Scotch family only 2 weeks here, The woman is a widow family. I had a word of prayer with them & then were very pleased to see me. I promised to do what I could for them by way of getting them work & they thanked me very kindly

Thu 20th Public holiday & the arrival of the American fleet great excitement pieraded amongst the people on the approach of the large Vessel as the Came quietly into the Harbour

[Strickedout Friday Holiday Choir not for Practice Strickedout]

[Page 7]
August 1908
Thu 20th Continued. Notwithstanding the illuminations my Meeting was well attended. There were 60 present & we had a most enjoyable time.
The blessing of God was felt by all present.

Fri 21st Holiday
This evening at 7.30 Our Choir met for Practice in the interest of our Annual tea Meeting in Town Hall. At first it was thought that owing to the American fleet & illumination Attractions that the chair would not come together for practice.

I had only to tell them the importance of Putting their whole soul into this Particular effort to make the event a success, & that Mr Jas Seddon was coming down to run them through the pieces. With the result that 25 were present & all were determined to do their best. I am quite sure that Mr Seddon has the support of every Missionary

Sat 22nd

Sabb 23rd This morning as usual a large number of hungry men met for breakfast The fleet attraction did not prevent them from turning up Prompt to the minute. Amongst the crowd was a man Wm Bingim who used to lead a notorious life at Mosman. He used to take drunken fits & we could hear him

[In the margins:-Choir Practice]

August 1908
Sabb 23rd Continued. Shouting & swearing from the house, He was gardner to a Mr Ritch Bank Manager Haymarket & thoughts some quarrel, Bill threatened to blow up the house.

At last a bomb was placed under Mr & Mrs Ritch's bed room, just ready to light, when it was discovered. Bill was at once apprehended & sent to Goulbourne Gaol for 2 years. Mr Ritch often expressed his fear of him when liberated. This morning he, Mr Briyim, approaches me on my way up to the breakfast & asked me if I would give him a breakfast. Yes Bill sqaid, Willingly I shall.

So Bill came & during Mr Southen's testimony, being converted at Goulbourne Gaol. Bill bursts into tears & Remained after the meeting to be dealt with about his soul. He said Oh; how I would like to know the way to be saved. I said Bill. Jesus says "I am the way the truth & the life." Put your trust in him & He will give you life. Bill went to his knees with me & Professed Christ & went away happy.

At 4 o'clock we held our S.S. 6'oclock I give the bible reading Subject "Resisting the Spirit." We had a most Profatable time.

[In the margins:-Bill Briyim conversion]

[Page 8]
August 1908
Sabb 23rd Continued. At 7.30 I conducted our usual Gospel Meeting. Bill was present with a face shining with joy. The fleet attractions did not prevent the people from coming to our meeting. There were over 80 present & we had a good meeting.

Mon 24th Holiday

Tue 25th Holiday. I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting. They were not all present but we had a good time of prayer & each of us I am sure felt the better for being there.

Thu 27th Today I called on & visited 26 families in Harrington & Playfair Sts I had a splendid opportunity of dealing with several about their souls. For example I called upon one house where I found 3 men sitting at the table, seafaring men.

They all knew me & at once give me the opportunity of dealing with them. They were at first inclined to be sciptical. There was a shoemaker in another room & my boots requiring some little

[In the margins:-

August 1908
Thu 27th Continued. repairs. I said men while this man is dealing with the soles of my boots, I will deal with you about your souls which are infinitly more valuable. Taking off my boots I started, & for for about 20 minuts I had a most profitable time. They did not ask me strange questions, which I made the word of God answer. One question was "Sing there are so many different trelesions who are right & who are wrong?" I said my friends Jesus says "I am the way" There is only one Christ & He has declared Himself to be the way & the man who has Christ in his heart is the right man & in the right way. Not the man who has got religion in the head, but the man who has Christ in the heart.
I always like to quote Roby Burns in reference to the heart. "The heart is aye the pert that pets the man right or rang!!
Before I left them they were more friendly to the word of God & wished me every success admitting that I was on the right side.

I visited the House of Mrs S. 16 Harrington St where I found a boy 14 years of age in a heartrending condition He was suffering from heart disease as a result of Rheumatic fever, Indeed I in all my experience never met with a case which moved me to tears, & had such an effect over

[In the margins:-Bearding the Lion in his den, Simpson 16 Harrington St.]

[Page 9]
August 1908
Thu 27th Continued. The Dr gave me hope, & the poor little fellow scarcely able to breathe looking up into his mother's face Oh! Mama, mama this is terrible, I said my dear boy are you trusting in Jesus? & eagerly he said Yes I am. I said do you know He has saved you? & at once he said yes, yes he has saved me, & are you afraid? He said no I am not. I said my boy have you any message for me? he said yes I have a lot for you Mr Mathers, & the first is. You tell Jesus to put my heart right meaning, his trouble.

I went to my knees & prayed God for Christ sake to restore him again to health if it was his will & after I arose from my knees the poor little suffering one said as he looked up into my face in a most distressed condition, Mr Mathers do you think Jesus will be long in answering your prayer? I said my lad Jesus always does the right thing, & comes to our aid at the right time. He is never too soon, or too late. You may be sure that He loves better than mother & will not leave you for a moment.

He was quite satisfied & asked me to keep praying for him. The poor mother has 7 of a family & her husband note very strong & only gets a casual days work. The home was in a miserable condition both poverty &

[In the margins:-Remarkable case of sickness & poverty]

August 1908
Thu 27th Continued. sickness. The poor woman cried, & I helped to lighten the burden not only in word bit in desd. I give her an order for 3/- worth of groceries with a promise of more to follow. Strange to say that this was the first couple I got married when I came into the mission.

I never forgot the transaction as I had to take his clothes out of the pawn in order to fit him for his marriage.

Evangelistic meeting. Notwithstanding the fleet attractions. We had a most remarkable good meeting. There were about 60 present.
The boy Haddock to whom I refer in my report of the 16th inst. Was at the meeting. I found work for him & he is bright & happy.

Fri 28th This morning I called upon the Minister for Public instruction, for the purpose of interceeding on behalf of a boy 14 years of age & belonging to a mother with 10 of a family, & who has got a situation but the school board office demands his return to school again. I did not see the Minister as there was a large diputation of school lectures waiting upon him. over

[Page 10]
August 1908
Fri 28th continued. I called on & visited 10 families in Gloucester St. & dealt with them about their souls when it was convenient.

I again visited the little boy Simpson to whom I refer in my report of yesterday 27th . He was much brighter He fastened his eyes upon me & said Sir God has answered your prayer, He can do anything, I believe I have no pain now.

The choir met for practice tonight. They had a good practice/

Sat 29th Today my wife was very ill & was confined to the house all day in attendance.

Sabb 30th This morning at 8.30 we conducted our free breakfast & gospel meeting. I gave the address this morning myself, & at the close a number held up their hands for Prayer. We had a very good meeting. Mr Southen give a warming note to the men not to allow themselves to drift with the current as he did until he almost reached a hopeless stage, but now thank God He has saved me & He can save you if you will come to Him as I did.

August 1908
Sabb 30th continued. At 4 o'clock we held our Sabbath School & bible class.
& at 6 o'clock our bible reading. At this meeting God's presence was felt. The subject was "Resisting the Spirit."

The workers give their experience & asked questions which opened up the subject. This is a grand method of drawing out young believers to speak a little word for Jesus.

At 7-30 Mr Hill, Manly addressed the Evangelistic. Mr H. spoke well. We all enjoyed his real earnest word.

Mon 31st This morning I called on & visited 21 families in Gloucester & Harrington Sts, & had a real good time dealing with quite a number about their souls.

I visited the boy Simpson to whom I refer in my report & of whom I give full particulars in my report of Thu 27th inst. I found him very low & very weak. He could scarcely recognise me. I sang 3 or 4 Hymns, especially his favourite "No not one" It seemed to revive him & said I will trust Jesus. Poor little fellow requires nurishment I the mother as I sat with the boy left me & went to the door, it was the Landlord for the rent. She said to me, we must pay the rent to keep the shelter over our heads.

I could not see the boy want so I give the mother an order for meat I told her to give him beef tea for which she which tears in her eyes thanked me

[Page 11]
August 1908
Mon 31st continued. The poor boy had been working bringing his mother some help just before he lay down & the last week he was payed a 1/- short & he was lesmanting about the 1/- this mother being short so I put the 1/- in his hand & he was quite contented. I asked him what he was going to buy with, he said it was for his mama. God bless him.

Sept 10.1908 F.Z Renphe
                                                        Editorial Recd 21/9/08

October 1908
Thu 1st Holiday
This evening at 7-30 we conducted our usual Evangelistic Meeting

Fri 2nd Holiday

Sat 3rd

Sabb 4th This morning at 8.30 we held our usual free breakfast & gospel meeting. We had a good staff of workers, & a number of bright testimonies were given, after which I give an address.

At 4 o'clock we held our S.S. 6-o'clock our bible reading. Subject 7 new things from the word of God 1st "New Birth,"

October 1908
Sabb 4th continued. At 7-o'clock we conducted an open air meeting in the square.

We had a good opportunity of speaking to a class of people who have very little desire for Church. They are middle & respectable class of people & are not by any means ignorant, so far as this world is concerned, but ignorant of God.

At 7-30 I conduct our Gospel Meeting.

Monday 5th This being 8 hour day. I along with about 25 of the workers went a picnic to Balmoral beach & spent a most enjoyable day.

Tue 6th This morning I went to the works dept. of the Government & found work for a man I give a recommendation to a young Scotchman for work & was successful in getting it.

I went to Railway ticket office & got a ticket for a young man for Hornsby. This young man came to my free breakfast on Sabb morning & Professed Christ & then went in persuct of work & having found it at Hornsby I got him the ticket.

The Stewardess of the "Bega" the boat which was wrecked recently came to my meeting on Sabb night & I found her shelter & give her 2 meals. The poor woman was suffering from the shoke of the wreck, & was scarcely able to walk. I sent her to the hospital but not being a suitable case. I sent her to Newington today.

I wrote out a letter to the Minister for Education on behalf of Mrs Young 22 Harrington St that she might get her boy off the state.

[Page 12]
October 1908
Tue 6th Continued. This afternoon at 4-o'clock Mr Love addressed a meeting of the men. At 7-o'clock the band of hope was held.

Wed 7th Today in the Central district I called on & visited 150 families in the neighbourhood of Darling Harbour. I found this to be a district ripe for mission work. Drunkness prevailed amongst the woman folks to an alarming extent. I found door open & women in bed drunk. One door was wide open & close up to the door was a poor victom of a woman lying stretched at length on the bed.

Another house the same thing. All over this district. There was nothing but rags & poverty through. A most appropriate subject for a place & people like this would be 3 D's Drink, Dirt & Debt. I went into public houses & spoke a word for the Master with good results.

At 7-15 we held an open air assistat by the Mission band. Mr Seddon give the address & spoke a faithful word.

8-o'clock The Rev Mr Moore Gen Secy took the chair & Mr Smith give the address. We had a very good meeting & I am sure the presence & power of God was felt by the people.

[In the margins:-Special Meeting in Central district]

October 1908
Thu 8th Today I called & visited 16 families in Gloucester St & had the opportunity of telling the story of the cross, altho there was no visible signs of any definite decision.

At 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a profitable time.

Fri 9th Today I give a grocery order to Mrs A. Cambridge St. This woman has 8 of a family & two of them sick. Not very long ago I visited the both who lay in the same ward in Sydney hospital. She has also her poor old father living with her who is unable to do any work. Poor woman she has had a hard struggle, & is a most deserving case.

Sat 10th
Sabb 11th This morning as usual at 8-30 we held our free breakfast & Gospel meeting. After partaking of the good hearty meal, we sang & wish the instruments played a hearty gospel hymn which help to cheer & enliven the men for the preaching of the word. There were quite a number of interesting short addresses given by characters of their own stamp & from their own ranks. This demanded their attention & they did listen to the message of Salvation. There was clearly manifested upon many of their faces the traces of anxiety. After the class when the appeal was made 2 men came to the front very anxious & both Prayed earnestly for Salvation. When they arose from their knees they Professed Christ & left the hall rejoicing. May God keep them & make them real is my earnest Prayer.

[In the margins:-Aladice, Sunday morning breakfast]

[Page 13]
October 1908
Sabb 11th Continued. At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. There were 47 scholars. & 7 Teachers.

At 6-o'clock we held our bible reading. We had for our subject The "New Song" searching the word of God for scripture bearing upon that subject we had indeed a soul refreshing time. I am sure we all felt very much enlightened & better fitted for the following meeting.

At 7-o'clock we had our band march around the streets. As The little fellows march along the streets playing those beautiful hymns. I am sure that they leave abiding impressions upon the minds of the people. There have an inspiring effect many mothers & fathers come to our meeting God bless the lads.

At 7-o'clock we had a very lively gospel meeting. The story of redeeming grace was told to the People . At the close a man came to the front whom I met on Wednesday 7th in a Public house in Pyrmont as I was visiting in Mr Mann's district, & who promised to come to my meeting as I dealt with a good number of men while they were drinking beer. He Professed Christ. He was a deserter from the American fleet. May God make him real.

[In the margins:-Sabb Meetings]

October 1908
Mon 12th Today I visited Mrs P. 53 Cambridge St. & there I found a poor old man just brought home with the Ambulance from Sydney hospital who some 10 or 11 weeks ago met with a motor accident & got his leg splintered.
The old man being old is not likely to get better.
The poor woman had only a long to support them.
After a word of cheer & prayer I give them a grocery order for which they were very thankful. She said she had no bread in the house. The poor old man told me that he had to go back to the hospital again & get the leg amputated, & said he sir I don't think I will ever recover. I told him come what may put your trust in the Survive & all will be well. Will you trust him now for Salvation? & he said yes. I left him after some time pointing him up with the word of God. Sir he said I believe I am saved.

Tues 13th Today I visited Mrs C. 145 Cumberland St a poor widow woman with one child. The poor woman was near her end. She had been lying with lung disease & no hope for her. I pointed her to Jesus. She had lived a rather fast life, & said sir, I only wish I could undo the past. I told her that was impossible, but that if she put herself into the hands of Jesus the past was under the blood she, after prayer, Professed Christ & as they were starving I give them a grocery order & left her in the hands of the district nurse.

[In the margins:-Parson Ch of E., Colton]

[Page 14]
October 1908
Tues 13th Continued. The men's gospel meeting was held at 4-o'clock Mr R. Love give the address. Mr L is improving at the speaking & God's blessing his word.

At 7-o'clock Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope.

Wed 14th

Thu 15th Today along with the other missionaries I called on & visited 118 families in Newtown. I had the opportunity of dealing with a number about their souls. We held an open air at 7-15 P.M. Mr Mercer & others give the address & at 8-o'clock we finished up with a gospel meeting in the hall.
At close Mr Moore Gen Secy give the invitation to any who were impressed about their souls & quite a number held up their hands for Salvation & some came put & Professed Christ. We had a very proffitable time

At 7-30 Mr Horne Conducted my Gospel Meeting. He had a very good meeting

Fri 16th This evening the band of hope held a concert under the leadership of Mr Hamilton. There were about 200 present.

The boys & girls from N.S. under Mr Sinclair along with children of the mission give very interesting item's Club exercises, recititions, & songs were given & we had a very pleasant evening.

I give Mrs Wright a poor woman an order for 5/- worth of groceries. This woman has a large family & a most deserving case, one of the best in my district.

October 1908
Sat 17th Today I visited Mrs Jones Mosman & got a parcel of clothes for mission!

Sabb 18th This morning at 8.30 the door was opened & the men turned in & took their seat at the table, after doing justices then the tables were cleaned & at once we commenced our meeting. We sang a hymn & then quite a variety of characters give testimonies. We had indeed a very lively meeting & I believe God blessed the word.
At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb. school.

At 6-o'clock I give a bible reading. Subject "New Name." We had a very Profitable Meeting & we received great blessing.

At 7-o'clock The band marched round the streets crowds of people turned out as we passed along quite interested in the band.

At 7-30 Mr Fraser Mosman addressed the meeting, & he give a very touchy address which was blest to our souls.

Mon 19th This morning I took Mr William Thomas to the board of health in order to send him to Liverpool Asylum. I may say here that this is the first old man brought to Jesus the first free breakfast I had over 5 years ago, & he has been a most faithful worker with me since. He has a little room rented from a poor woman who herself is in Newington Asylum. He is unable to look after himself & I thought that during his illness it was the best place for him. May God bless him.

[Page 15]
October 1908
Mon 19th This evening as I was visiting along Cumberland St a woman sent for me to come & see her boy 12 years of age who was very ill. The father had been to the board of health for the Dr left to find him. He got very little satisfaction. The gentlemen in charge said if it were possible to find him they would send him. The uncertainty of medical aid caused the parents anxiety of mind not knowing what was the matter with the child. I got in communication with the Dr Sydney hospital & at once brought him up in a cab, where he was carefully examined & sent to bed in T Ward for treatment. The Dr thought it was the result of eating something which was a slight touch of blood poisoning. The Parents were very thankful to me for the help in time of need.

Tue 20th This afternoon at 4-o'clock Mr R. Love addressed the men. He give a very earnest address & God blest the word spoken to us all.

7-o'clock Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope & had a very pleasant evening in song & recitation.

[In the margins: Taking patient to hospital]

October 1908
Wed 21st Today along with the rest of the missionaries I visited in Redfern East 100 families & had a good opportunity of speaking a word for the Master as I went from door to door. The missionaries must have visited over 1000 families in the district, & I am sure that such an effort will not pass without good results in each of our districts.

In the evening at 7-15 we held an open air meeting when the Central brass band attracted the people & Mr Seddon with Mr Walker give very earnest addresses.
We then went to the hall where we had a united meeting. The people turned out very well.
The Rev Mr Moore Gen Secy. occupied the chair & Thomas Mercer give a very Christ like address to the people, which had good results.
I do believe we who were the Lord's people felt the benefit as well as those who were unsured. When Mr Moore made the appeal for those who were lead to hold up their hands quite a number responded to the request.
However much in earnest they were we leave it with God whose wright it is to judge. May God make it real & bring them right out.

[In the margins: Visiting Redfern East]

[Page 16]
October 1908
Thu 22nd This day I called on & visited 13 families in Cromb St & when a seasonable opportunity presented itself to me I spoke a word for the Master. In the evening I coonducted an Evangelistic Meeting.

Fri 23rd Today I visited Mrs I. 13 Harrington St who had 8 of a family. The poor woman told me her sad story. She said that one of her sons had got married & he got £26-0 0 worth of furniture for which the father stood security. All the money was paid but the £6-0-0 & the father being an old man over 60 years of age was unable to pay it for the son. She said the son was most unfortunate & could not pay it himself. The police came during the night & took the poor man. & they were taking him the poor woman cried to them oh! don't take him policeman he is an old man & never was in jail before. They took him, & he got 7 days. The poor woman is known to me since he came to the mission she was starving & wept bitterly. I give her an order for groceries & pointed her to the survivor as the only safe resortry place.

She was very thankful to me for the help in turn of need.

October 1908
Fri 23rd The Choir Practice was held at 7-30

Sat 24th

Sabb 25th This morning at 8.30 We held our free breakfast.
There were a good number of men & a willing staff of workers more than usual. There was a lady for every table, & quite a number gentlemen present. After the breakfast was over about 30 workers took their seat on the platform & after the singing of the gospel a number of bright testimonies were given.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb school. We are getting into shape now & I believe God is blessing our S.S.

At 6-o'clock I conducted our bible reading. Subject the New Commandment. The workers took part & we had a very instructive lesson.

At 7-30 the band marched around the streets & then Mr Glaschkig with myself addressed the gospel meeting. I do thank God for the proffitable day we had.

Mon 26th This morning I visited Sydney hospital M. Ward to see Mr Clark the member for North Sydney 's son – whom I got into the Hospital to undergo an operation. He has passed through his operation & I trust he will be all right soon. I had prayer with him & pointed him to Jesus.

[Page 17]
October 1908
Mon 26th This afternoon at 3-o'clock we had a ladies meeting at the Central hall for the purpose arranging collectors for our street collection. There was a good meeting & every one seemed to take the Master up hearthy!

Tue 27th This morning at 10.30 I along with the other missionaries met at the Mission hall for instructions. After prayer we all went out to visit the streets alloted to us by the missionary. The day was warm & we had a most profittable time. I got into a number of the homes & had a word with them about the Master. I met with a very good reception all over the district.

At 7.15 we held an open air meeting. There was a good crowd of people who listened to the story of the cross.

We then went to the hall where we finished up with a gospel meeting. This was I believe the largest meeting we have had. Mr E. Moore took the chair & Mr Mills give a very heart touching address. With the result that Mr Moore plead earnestly with them to hold up their hand for Jesus? & quite a number went up. God make it real is my earnest prayer.

[In the margins: Visiting at Surry hills]

October 1908
Wed 28th This forenoon I called upon & visited 14 families in Harrington St. I met one poor woman here whose husband is a terrible drunkard & abuses her most cruelly. He spit her face with a weapon untill several stitches had to be put in, & today she was weeping bitterly. The husband was not in the house & I spoke to her about Jesus as the only remidy for all sin. She was an R.C. but listened to me very attentively.

Thu 29th Today I called upon & visited 25 families in Princes St. I called according to invitation in a large boarding house near St Philips & at the table the ladies and gentlemen around the table questioned me about the work. There sat at the table a gentlemen upon whose face I could see the look of an friend, & as he listened to the Ladies & Gentlemen asking how the work was getting on, his face wore the expression of an enemy. I told them that there was nothing would remedy the sin of such men's lives but the new birth. Here he interjected, He said, sir I find that there are those who speak of having underwent this new birth & they have not brave enough to give a scientific definition of the new birth. I said sir I suppose you have read your bible? He said yes, then you must have read of the blind man who met Jesus by the Way & he opened his blind eyes.

[In the margins: Answering the Sceptic]

[Page 18]
October 1908
Thu 29th Continued. After receiving his sight he met Scientists like you so you see you are nothing new. They asked him to give a scientific account of how Jesus Performed the Miracle, but being unable to enter into the science of the Miracle he give a most practical & satisfactory answer to his Christless Scientists. "One thing know where as I was blind now. see." Thank God not one of the enemy could scientifically argue him out of his sight, & in like manner no one can reason the most unlearned man or woman. He said sir can you give a definition, I brought him face to face with the word& let him first human deprivch the absolute necessity for the new birth. I pointed him to the Promised Messiah, in the fullness of time he came & died on the Cross to put away sin, & that the sinner lost by nature had only to rely upon Christ's finished work for Salvation. He said, he that kill with on me hath everlasting life!! "He that hath the Son Christ comes into the heart & sits upon the throne & rules & reigns supreme. Or in other words Christ loves his own blessed life in us & the old man is kept under, "I live says Paul, nevertheless not I but Christ that lieveth in me" That constitutes the man a new creature, or what is called the new birth. The man was very anxious to exhibit his reasoning powers but here he was at a loss to

[In the margins: Answering the Sceptic]

October 1908
Thu 29th Continued. Here the man reveiled to me that he was a Minister & the people told me that he had one of the largest Congregations in Melbourne. He was nothing but a Sceptic & a Mocker of God's word. Before arguing upon the doctrines of God's word let me ask you a question. He was very unwilling to submit to such a task, but finding it absolutely necessary I insisted upon his answering my questions 1st I asked him if he believed in the God of my bible & Christ of my bible, to which he said no, I then said that finishes the argument upon the doctrines of a book in which you do not believe, I might as well argue the coulars of the rain how with a blind man, sir, as argue upon a book to which you are as blind a the illustration. The only difference between you the man is the eyes were opened, & yours eyes then you will appreciate what you now ignore. God bless you & save you. is my earnest gruyer. I did not come here without God's leading. The argument was anghty & I trust he will soon experience the new birth & be restored to his church.

Fri 30th

Sat 31st

[In the margins: Answering the Sciptic]

[Page 19]
December 1908
Tue 1st Today I called on & visited 10 families. I spent Some of the day organising my collectors for Sat collection

At 4-o'clock the men's meeting was held & addressed by Mr R. Love. The band of hope was held at 7-o'clock.

Wed 2nd Today I took 50 Boys & 50 Girls to Balmoral beach under the auspices of the Presbyterrian Church Mosman. We had a very plesent trip to Balmoral Wharf. On arrival Rev Mr & Mrs Lamont with a large staff of workers met us. The first part on the programme was to give the children a good treat.

Mr Thompson threw open the grounds & give them the use of fly boats & Merry-go-rounds & free of charge & the children you may be sure took full advantage of it. The baths were also free of charge. The children got as much as they could eat & drink. Mr & Mrs Lamont & workers were delighted in the way they poor little boys & girls enjoyed themselves. After spending a very enjoyable day we returned home by boat at 5pm. All reaching their home in safety. The poor little children look forward with interest all the year round for this treat. Hoping that many of the churches will copy the same example.

[In the margins: Children's Picnic to Balmoral]

December 1908
Thu 3rd Today I was Preparing Stands for the street collection.

At 7.30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting, there were over 100 present & we had a very good time.

Fri 4th Making Stands all day for St Collection.

Sat 5th Today was our St collection . We had a good staff of workers about 900 Sotes. The took up the work right heartly notwithstanding the united collection was 2 months ahead of us. One of the greatest proofe's that the people believe in our Mission was their willingness to give to the Casese.

The united collection did not interfere with their giving to the Mission & the Mission is every body's friend of the Mission, & the Mission is every body's friend. There is no society in existence today that reaches the people's needs like the City Mission. The missionary lives amongst his people, goes out & in among them 6 hours everyday. All sects & creeds carry to him all their difficulties & are always sure of his help & sympathy. If they are mentally distressed he prays with them & tells them the story of God's love. If they are hungry he puts a loaf of bread upon the table. If they are behind with rent he always in a legitimate manner bys to put it right with the Landlord. Under all circumstances no matter what creed, the Missionary is the man in whom the people put their confidence. This to a large extent is what accounts for the people's penny when the collection comes about.

[In the margins: Collection Saturday]

[Page 20]
December 1908
Sat 6th This morning at 8.30 the hall door was opened for the admission of about 100 hungry men to the usual free breakfast.

After the breakfast was over & tables cleared.
We commenced our Gospel Service. The Rev Mr McDonald from my old home, Motherwell, near Glasgow give a very earnest address. Mr McDonald was trained in the same Mission with myself & is a most enthusuiatic speaker. He followed by others. We had a real good meeting.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb school. There were about 90 present.

At 6-o'clock I conducted our bible reading, which is a great help to us.

At 7-o'clock our drum & life band marched round the streets. The people appreciate the band & if absent for only one night they make enquiries about it.

7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting

Mon 7th Today the Rev Mr & Mrs McDonald from my old home visited me, & showed them around the place. They were much delighted with the way our Mission work was carried on.

December 1908
Tues 8th This forenoon I called upon & visited 13 families in various parts of my district, & where I found a seasonable of pistunity of speaking a word for the Master I did.

At 4-o'clock Mr R Love addressed the men's meeting & at 7-o'clock Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope.

Wed 9th Today I called upon & visited 12 families in my district, & at 2.30 I attended our Missionaries prayer Meeting & 7-o'clock our band Practiced

Thu 10th Today I visited 17 families in Clerence Lane.
This lane is noted for not only its past history but for the number of houses of ill fame. Notwithstanding the efforts that are being put forth for the closing of such places.

One house about the middle of the lane there lives with a Chinamen a young woman whose career is too awful for me to mention. Her mother has a beautiful Cottage in Strawberry hills & I have been there & tried to get her home, but she is a wretched use. I have done all in my power to bring her to the great Master.

At 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting & I believe the Presence of the blessed Master was felt in our midst. There were about 50 men present who listened earnestly to the gospel.

[Page 21]
December 1908
Fri 11th Today I visited 11 families in Cumberland St. I visited the house of Mrs J. 36. This women & her husband have joined the cut throat rebel socialistic body who denies the God of our bible, but believe to the hilt in sin. I brought her face to face with God's word & her wretched docterine would not stand daylight. She had got drilled into certain docterine's when brought before God's word would not stand that test.
I got her to her knees & engaged in prayer with her & I believe God will do his own work.

Sat 12th

Sabb 13th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. The Rev Mr McDonald addressed the meeting followed by Mr Jack O'Bryan & Woodword. The meeting was a lively one, & testimonies were very searching.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb school & 7-o'clock we had our band march around the Streets. 7.30 Mr Cannon from Minmi via Narcastle addressed both Bible class & Gospel Meeting. He spoke a faithful word. Mr Cannon is a Prominent Office bearer of the Presbyterian Church Minmi.

He asks me up to Minmi about the middle of Jany. 1909 to conduct several meeting both temperance & the gospel.

[In the margins: Jennings Socialist]

December 1908
Mon 14th Today I called upon & visited 44 families in Kent St

Tue 15th Today I called & visited 22 families in Harrington & Crumb Sts.
At 4-o'clock Mr R. Love addressed the men.
There was a good meeting 42 being present & listening to the gospel patiently.
Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope at 7-o'clock. There were 100 present.

Wed 16th This afternoon I attended our Missionaries Prayer Meeting. The meeting was indeed greatly helpful to each of us in this busy season.
In view of starting a Brass band, the Instruments arrived at the hall from Nicolson's this evening.

Thu 17th Today I called upon & visited 37 families in my district, & distributed to 29 families Xmas dinners.
The needy deserving families look forward to Xmas with deep interest, & to many of them it is a real God send.

For example I visited the house of Mrs D. Cambridge St. The poor husband who has for many years been troubled with his head went out this morning to earn bread for his family. He had to return home & there he lay on the floor with his head bandaged unable to speak to me, & up the stairs in poor bed room lay his wife after having underwent a severe operation, 6 helpless children around her. She said Sir, You always come in time of need. I had Prayer with her & afterwards give her a Xmas dinner, for which she thanked me. over

[In the margins: Dawner Ch of E.]

[Page 22]
December 1908
Thu 17th Continued. I have many a time found this woman sitting at her Sewing Machine trying to make a loaf of bread for her hungry children.
You can at all times see on her face the careworn look & that deep sigh which often arises from life of worry I have regularly helped her when in distress & she has been ever thankful to me.

At 7.30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting.

Friday 18th Today I called upon & visited 33 families in my district & distributed 23 Xmas dinners. As on the previous day, many families were glad of the Xmas help. But for the Missionary many home would have been without Xmas cheer.

For example I called upon Mrs W. Harrington St. what a sad sight. A home filled with all sorts of misery.
The poor mother in bed exhausted with hard work trying to earn a living for 4 afflicted children. A daughter sat-in the corner 22 years of age a poor imbecile. Another young boy about 14 years of age in the same condition.

As one looks upon such a sad picture it makes us very thankful for all the goodness that God has bestayed upon us I talked to her about Jesus as the friend of sinners & after a word prayer with them I give her a Xmas dinner.
The poor weak minded ones laughed & joined in the heart felt gratitude of the rest.
May God bless them is my earnest prayer.

[In the margins: Williams Ch of E.]

December 1908
Sat 19th

Sabb 20th This morning at 8.30 We had a splendid meeting of the men. Immediately after the breakfast was over. We had a real time of testimoney. God blest the word to many a soul.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. There were 130 present.

At 6-o'clock we held our bible reading. 7-o'clock our band marched & 7.30 Gospel Meeting.

Mon 21st Today I called upon & visited 32 families & distributed 30 Xmas dinners. There are a great many distressed families. I visited the wretched home of Mrs Parsonage Cambridge St whose old man about 80 years of age met with an accident from a motor & got his leg broke. It is now nearly half a years & still he has on the broad of his back. Being 20 years & still he is little chance of the bone knitting. There is only one boy working who does not keep himself & the poor old man does not get the nourishment he requires.

I often meet the district nurse there who does all she can to help him. After a word of cheer & prayer I give them an order for a Xmas dinner for which they thanked me very kindly.

[In the margins: Parsonage]

[Page 23]
December 1908
Tue 22nd Today I distributed 30 Xmas dinners. I visited the house of Mrs Moore a poor invalid for 12 years, she has been confined to bed for about 8 years & is in a shapeless condition through rheumatism. She is the most patient sufferer in my district. She never complains.

I have visited her regularly this 11 year past & I always find her the same. She is poor & is always thankful for any word of comfort & help given to her. I often sing her a little hymn & today after a word of prayer I give her a Xmas dinner for which she was very thankful.

This afternoon at 4-o'clock Mr R. Love give an address to the men. Mr R. spoke with power & effect.

At 7-o'clock Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope. There were over 100 present.

Wed 23rd Today I distributed 26 Xmas dinners. I visited Mrs Alerdice Cambridge St. 12 family. I visited regularly 2 of her children N. Sydney hospital in the same ward. one of them suffers from hip joint disease. Poor little thing is about 6 years of age. The family are very poor. I help them from time to time & today I give them a Xmas dinner which just come in good time. They did indeed appreciate the help very much.

[In the margins: Moore Ch of E., Alerdice Ch of E. Cambridge St]

December 1908
Wed 23rd Continued. This evening at 7.00 I marched with the band to Sydney Town Hall 100 Boys & 100 Girls to a large Xmas tree where 2000 children filled the body of the hall. The galery was filled with spectators 3 large Xmas trees were erected on the platform & beautifully lit up with ferry lights which give it a magnificent appearance.

The Xmas tree was opened with Prayer. There was a Programme prepared, but the only thing which interested the children was the toys. The looked on with the greatest expectation for distribution of toys. Everything passed off all right.

Thu 24th This evening at 7.30 I conducted our usual meeting. We had a very good attendance. I also distributed 22 Xmas dinners amongst the deserving families
Fri 25th Xmas Day

Sat 26th

Sabb 27th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. Being the Xmas time I had something extra for the men. I got from the Pheanox Cake coy about 100 lbs of Cake & 6 Puddings in addition to the ordinary supply. There were about 200 men present & everyone of them got as much as they could eat. After enjoying a good breakfast. We had a splendid gospel meeting.

[Page 24]
December 1908
Sabb 27th Continued. The first to give testimoney was Jack O'Brine.
He said men just as I was coming along in the tram this morning Burns Johnstone, I said to him no the is not over, there is a big fight going on every day between God & sin in your heart & mine, & just as the police had to step in & stop the fight before Burns was destoyed, so God must step into your heart & defeat sin & the devil which is more than a match for you. I can look back upon the time when I was a prize pugelist, & when one day I fought a prize fight & won, when I returned home my father was awaiting my arrival hot word took place & father after a good deal of provication struck me. I then went packed up my clothes & left the house. I turned & had a last farewell look at the old home in London Younder, at this point the lump came into Jack's throat & he could no longer speak, but cried bitterly as he sat down on his seat.

Some of the men were moved to tears, & there was a deep impression all over the meeting.

The next was C. Woodward. He said men just four years ago I will tell you how I spent my Xmas, & the way I took to relieve the poor. There was a poor man whom I knew to have no Xmas dinner, I told him to follow me

[In the margins: Free Breakfast & Gospel Meeting]

December 1908
Sabb 27th Continued. down the street The first thing I did was to lift a ham from a shop door & give it to him, then the next was vegetables from a green grocer & I said no go home & make a good dinner, A little further down the St I took a per of trousers from the shop door & so I went on thieving all that night, 6 weeks at a time I have had to keep away from my mother's house, the police searching for me every night.

Men thank God it is all over 4 years ago. The grace of God has made me a new man. & enabled me, a notorious house breaker & robber, to work for my living & helps me to cheer my poor old mother's heart, whose heart I had well nigh broken, & men what God has done for me He can do for any of you May God grant it for Christ sake.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. 6-o'clock we held our bible reading. 7-o'clock our band march, & at 7-30 our Gospel Meeting.

P.S. I may say here that at the close of the meeting after the breakfast several held up their hands for Salvation & 2 Professed Christ.

[In the margins: Free Breakfast & Gospel Meeting]

[Page 25]
February 1909
Mon 1st Wet all day & prevented from visiting.

Tue 2nd This day was again very wet. At 4-o'clock this afternoon Mr R. Love addressed the men. It was a meeting that will not soon be forgotten. The men I might say took the meeting themselves, after Mr R's address.

One of them played the organ, one give out hymn, & others give testimonies. There was power felt all over the meeting. One man Professed Christ. At 7-o'clock Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope.

Wed 3rd At 2.30 I attended our Missionaries Prayer Meeting.

Thu 4th Today I visited with Miss Heather S.S. teacher, in the interest of the S.S. & I am thankful to say that we had a good reception from the Perants of the children. For example we visited Mrs D. 22 Essex St whose children used to come to our school,
We found her to be a very decent woman& was pleased to see us. Her husband was sick & the poor woman was struggling with 6 little children. She was in very poor circumstances & one of those women who never trumpets abroad her poverty.
Her husband had been idle from before Xmas. After prayer & a little conversation with her I give her an order for groceries & she said sir, I never thought you had so much interest in the children, & I will be sure to send them regular.

At 7.30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting we had a real spirited meeting. I pointed the mothers to the evil of taking their children away from S.S. & Church on the Sabb days down the harbour, & told them that when they grew up the children would in company with others & not with them.

[In the margins: M.Dougald]

February 1909
Fri 5th Today I called upon & visited 14 families in my district, & where ever there was an opportunity I spoke a word for the Master.

Sat 6th

Sabb 7th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. We had about 140 present. Bright-soul stirring addresses were given.

At 4-o'clock we held the S.S. We had a rather better attendance today 56 in number.

At 6-o'clock I conducted our bible reading. This bible reading is very instructive to us, & we get great blessings.
At 7.30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting. We had a real lively meeting, & I believe God blest the word spoken.

Mon 8th Today I give a grocery order to Mrs W. Millers Rd. This woman goes out washing for her living but. She has got blood poisoning of both hands, & the poor woman is going about with both hands bandaged.

I called upon Mrs G. Dyers building she has 6 of a family & on Saturday last the sad news of her husband being drowned at Newcastle reached her. The poor woman had not the privlige of seeing him. She is a very decent woman & much respected by the neighbours. After prayer & exhortation. I give her an order for groceries which was thankfully received.

[In the margins: Williams Ch of E., Gordon Ch of E.]

[Page 26]
February 1909
Tue 9th This afternoon at 4-o'clock we conducted our gospel meeting for men only. At 7-o'clock the band of hope was held.

Wed 10th This fore noon I visited Sydney hospital G.M.E & M C wards. Mr Ivory from 18 Harrington St went under an operation about a week ago & while he was in the hospital his wife 18 Stones weight came to the top of the stair to call her son for work when she over balanced & fell to the foot receiving internal injuries & a broken arm. The poor woman was sent to Sydney hospital where her injuries were attended to & where she lys in very dangerous condition. The sad news was kept from her husband. I visited them both, & as I went to the bedside of the poor man he said my wife is bothered with rheumatisms & cannot come to see me. The wife lys in E ward & her husband in H ward leaving 6 of a family. The son who has 6 of a family has done no work for over 3 months. He goes into the Sydney hospital on Thursday, (tomorrow) to be operated on. All belonging to the one family. I give an order for groceries for which they were very thankful.

Thu 11th This forenoon I visited the house of Mrs Y. 22 Harrington St. her Husband is very ill her only bread winner. I had prayer with her after which I give her an order for groceries. The woman thanked me very kindly.

[In the margins: Young]

February 1909
Thu 11th Continued. This evening at 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting.

Fri 12th Today I went with Mrs B. Lower Fort St, to Sir James Graham to get a poor for the infirm pension Dr G willingly give her the circitifieah. This is a poor widow, & not strong herself. Her daughter is 20 years of age & is dificient mind & cannot be trusted to do any work. The poor woman was very thankful to me for the interest taken in her.
Many years ago I attended her husband until he died & have from time to time assisted her when in need.
Sat 13th

Sabb 14th This morning at 8-30 we conducted our usual free breakfast 7 gospel meeting. We had a good lively meeting. Jack O'Brien & Charl Woodward give an address & God blest their word to many present.

4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6-o'clock our bible reading.

7-o'clock our band marched around the streets & at 7.30 we held our Gospel Meeting.

I went to Homebush & took the 11-o'clock service & give an account of our Mission work. The people were greatly taken up with the word spoken.

[In the margins: Bickman presly, Homebush Cong Ch]

[Page 27]
February 1909
Mon 15th Today I called upon & visited 14 families in my district.
I called upon the house of Mrs J. Harrington St. This woman about 12 months ago came from Scotland bringing with her 5 of a family. Just before she left her husband & bread winner was killed. He was a Railway Official.
She thought that having a brother out here She might be better to come out. She found that her bro had plenty to do with himself. I got the two eldest girls situations, & a third later on. To day as I went into the house I found her in difficulties. Like the scotch she did not care to make known her circumstances. The baker came to the door & handed in the bread bill for the week. I paid the bill for her & engaged in prayer afterwards. The poor woman could scarcely express her gratitude for the kindness shown to her.
She said I feel so helped to bear my trials every time you pray, & I would like you would often come. Sir you have been such a friend to me since I came to the country, that I don't know what we would have done without you.

Tue 16th I called upon & visited in Clerence Lane & Princes St. 16 families. I visited Mrs D. 1 York Lane she has 8 of a family & her husband & self sick she was glad to see me & said as I give an order for 3/- worth groceries & 2/- worth of meat. I that Sea I was an R.C. that you would not help me I said.

[In the margins: Jackson Presby, Dawes R.C.]

February 1909
Tue 16th We as a City Mission Study need & not cried. We don't care what you are if you are a deserving case. The poor woman was overcome with a feeling of gratitude for the kindness.

At 3.30 I according to invitation attended the Anniversary of Sydney Hospital. The State Governor was in the Chair. They had a very pleasant gathering. After the meeting tea was served to all those who desired to wait.

At 4-o'clock Mr R. Love conducted the gospel meeting for men only. There were 42 present.
At 7-o'clock Mr Hamilton conducted the B. of hope. There were about 100 present.

Wed 17th This forenoon I called upon & visited 28 families in Dalgeties Rd. & where ever it was convenient I droped a word for the Master. There are a great many R.C's but I got a good reception.

Thu 18th Today I called upon & visited 30 families in my district & at 7.30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting.

Fri 19th Wet all day. I attended to other duties in my hall, in the interest of some who waited for me upon me.

Sat 20th

[Page 28]
February 1909
Sabb 21st This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & Gospel Meet.
After the usual number of men were admitted by ticket, still there were about 50 left outside without tickets. After the others were served we took in the rest. We had a splendid meeting. The men sang with heart & voice "Tell me the old , old story" I am sure you could have heard them outside at the top of the street. Nothing, next to salvation, makes a man sing more heartly that a good feed when he is hungry.
You get some what fair play with the man when his appetite has been satisfied. God blest the word spoken. We had quite a number of speakers this morning, & I believe deep impressions were made upon many of these men.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabbath School. & at 6-o'clock our bible class. Subject "Love"
At 7-o'clock we held our open air meeting at the foot of Argyle St.

Tonight at 7.30 Jack O'Brine & Charlie Woodward took the meeting. They both told their life story with great effect. Jack told the people that in his early life in London his father sent him to study medicine, but after some time he took to the boxing, & afterwards took to prize fighting which put an end to his studies.
His father was bitterly opposed to his conduct & differed with him. He then left the parental

[In the margins: F.B. Jack & Charlie O'Brine]

February 1909
Sabb 21st care of his father & mother & travelled all over the world, at last he arrived in Sydney in company with Charles O'Brine a Barrister, who also a complete wreck. They were both sitting in Wentworth Park one Tuesday afternoon when they observed the crowd of men flocking towards the meeting place where the men ment to listen to the gospel & got a ticket for the free breakfast on Sunday morning. Jack says what is this & Charles said these men are going for a ticket for F.B. & to listen to a block preaching. "Come & hear him."
Jack got reluctently went, with the result that Jack got his ticket & nurse, he got converted.
He never used the ticket. Charlie went on in his evil way until later on when he also got saved, & now both are serving God. Jack for over 5 years has done good work with me. He is an R.C. but is now a Christian & where ever he gets an open door he tells the story of God's love to sinners.

Charlie Woodward steped upon the platform & said men. I want to tell you what Christ has done for me. I was a robber & gambler. Holding up the false keys with which he entered the houses, he said friends these are the keys that bought sorrow to my dear old mother's heart.

[In the margins: Jack & Charlie O'Brine]

[Page 29]
February 1909
Sabb 21st & often sent me to Gaol. The last act I was in was letting in a church with a number of robbers, while the Minister was preaching planning how to take out the organ on Monday, Thank God instead of me taking the organ the Lord Jesus took me & made me the man I am today. Four of my companions are hanged & I am left here.

He made me an honest man instead of a thief. He changed me from a liar to a thankful man. He taught me to earn my own living honestly. I was determined to work what I had not done for 10 years. I started to sell rabbets. I did not succeed in that line, & then the Lord opened up my way on the Railway where I have been since. What God has done for me he can do for any of you. May God grant it. The people were deeply moved all over the meeting. & I believe God blest the message of both men. As there were many men present of much the same stamp, & who felt the truth of what they said. The traces of ancestry could be seen upon many of their faces. These men are not without a heart when touched by truth responds to the message.

[In the margins: Charlie Woodward]

February 1909
Mon 22nd This morning with Mrs Walker I went to Newington Asylum where we spent a most blessed time as we sang & told the story of the cross from ward to ward amongst the old women. Mrs Green & Gambie were with us& rendered us great assistantance. We finished up as we do by holding a meeting in the Large dinning room.

At 7.30 we held our band practice.

Tue 23rd This morning I visited Mrs Dawding Bondi a family who work hard & faithful in my Mission. Whose friend was sick.

The afternoon I visited Sydney hospital.

At 4-o'clock I along with Mr Love address the men's meeting.

At 7.30 Mr Hamilton conducted the Band of hope.

Wed 24th This forenoon I visited Mrs Olomer York lane whose husband is sick & has 7 family. The poor woman was in very poor circumstances I spoke to them about their soul & give her an order for groceries, for which she was very thankful.

[In the margins: Olomer R.C.]

[Page 30]
February 1909
Thu 25th This day I called upon & visited 18 families in my district & had the opportunity of speaking a word for the Master.

At 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting .

Fri 26th This morning I visited Mrs Y. 22 Harrington St. her husband was dying from cancer. The poor man was in pain & suffered very much. I asked him if he was trusting in Jesus to which he replied yes. I engaged in prayer, after which I give her an order for groceries as the poor woman was in great need. He is her only bread winner, & she is a most deserving case.

This afternoon at 1.00 I went to see Mrs Clifford Love at Gordon who met with an accident by falling down the stairs. She got a severe shock to her nervous system & other injuries. She was so pleased to see me . She said she had heard much about me & often longed to see me. I sang & prayed with her. She invited me back soon.

I attended the opening meeting of Mr Emery's new Mission in Camperdown & I do thank God for the promising start he had God bless him prosper him.

[In the margins: Young Ch of E]

February 1909
Sat 27th This morning I took my son John to Sydney hospital. He had a poisoned foot. They put him under gas & operated on him at once.

Sabb 28th This morning at 8.30 I conducted our usual free breakfast & Gospel Meeting.

After which I took my son to Sydney hospital to get his foot attended to.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. At 6-o'clock I give my usual bible reading. We are greatly benefited by this bible reading The subject was God's Love.

At 7.30 we held our Gospel meeting Mr Johnstone took the meeting, & we had a good time.

[Page 31]
April 1909
Thu 1st Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district.
Tonight I conducted our Evangelistic Meeting . We had a very good turnout of people & a lively meeting.

Fri 2nd Today I called upon & visited 13 families & at 7-o'clock we held our choir practice. We had a very good practice.

Sat 3rd Today at 3-o'clock we held a jumble sale realizing £2 3-3.

Sabb 4th This morning at 8.30 We conducted our free breakfast & Gospel meeting. We had several bright testimonies from the right type of men which much deep impressions upon the men. When a man from their own ranks, who has trod the same path with themselves can speak to the point, it has great effect upon them.
Altho there may be no definite discision's, yet they leave the hall under deep conviction & at some other time decide for the Lord. I have often known them to go to a meeting some other place & give their heart to Jesus. Praise God for it no matter where the decide.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabbath School & at 6-o'clock we held our bible reading. Subject The cross of the secret age. I do thank God for this meeting. It is greatly helpful to God's people.

At 7-o'clock we held our band march around the streets.

April 1909
Sabb 4th This evening at 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a very good time, & I believe God blest the word spoken.

Mon 5th Today I called upon & visited 9 families in my dist. & had the opportunity of dealing with some about their souls needs. Tonight was our band practice. We had a very good practice.

Tue 6th Today I called upon & visited 13 families in my district. At 4-o'clock I conducted the gospel meeting for men only. We had a very encouraging meeting as they listened with deep interest to the word of God.

Today I visited Mrs D. 107 Gloucester St. She is a poor old widowed woman & most deserving. She is one of my most faithful workers, I give her an order for 2/- worth of groceries, for which she sincerely thanked me.

I also visited Mrs P. 130 Princes St A poor old widow woman, who was almost distracted not knowing how to make ends meet. She keep borders & not having any, unable to pay her rent.
The Government was threating to turn her out of her home. The poor old woman sent for me & after prayer together, I went to the Government to plead with them not to press her until she was able to pay, Mr Hull treated the case very kindly. I then give her an order for groceries & the poor old woman not only thanked me but wept for very joy.

[In the margins: Davis Methodist, Patter Ch of E.]

[Page 32]
April 1909
Tue 6th Tonight Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope.

Wed 7th Today I went to the Ragged School Picnic
We spent a very pleasant day with the children. The boys & girls did enjoy themselves poor little things but for treats like this they would never have the opportunity of getting a days outings

Thu 8th Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district & in the evening I conducted our usual gospel meeting.

Fri 9th Holiday

Sat 10th Holiday

Sabb 11th This morning at 8.30 as usual I conducted our breakfast & gospel meeting. We had a good lively meeting, & some bright testimonies.

At 4-o'clock we held the Sabb school & at 6-o'clock our bible reading. This meeting is very helpful to the Christian workers.

At 7.30 Notwithstanding it being a pleasure seeking time we had a very good meeting.

Mon 12th Holiday

Tue 13th Today I called upon & visited 17 families in my district. At 4-o'clock I conducted the gospel meeting for men only. The men Sang very heartly putting in the parts.
7.30 Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope

April 1909
Wed 14th This forenoon I called upon & visited 16 families in my district. & in the afternoon I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting. At 7.30 we had band practice.

Thu 15th Today I called upon & visited 21 families in my district. I went to the Benovolent Asylum & interviewed Mr Rosley on behalf of a man, his wife & child newly out from the old country as emigrants, The man cannot get work & the poor woman near her confinement had no where to go.
Mr R kindly consented to take her in with her child until her troubles are over.
Lord & Lady Dudley turn interested in the case found them a place & through Mr Elaston Imperial Agent for my efforts to put them right.
I am very thankful for the deep interest Lord & Lady Dudley, Governor General, are taking in the poor of this Colony.

I visited Mrs B today whose husband is a spiritual medium, & with whom I have had many an argument on the subject. He calls himself a religious spirialalist. I found his poor wife suffering from the effects of two severe blows & he dealt her upon the face with his fist, because she refused to listen to one of their windbags abusing the word of God & calling it a vile impure book. He believes in clinching his arguments with his fists, but he will never make an good impression upon the heart, altho he did upon the face.

[Page 33]
April 1909
Thu 15th Continued Tonight at 7.30 I conducted our Evangelistic Service. We had a very good meeting.

Fri 16th Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district.
I visited Mr Young 22 Harrington St & found him very low. Poor man he is nearing his end. I had a word of pray with him, & pointed to Jesus as the only fountain head of all blessing. He expressed his satisfaction with Jesus & perfectly resigned to the will of God.

Tonight we held our choir practice in connection with the united choir for our big meeting in the hall on 13th May.

Sat 17th

Sabb 18th This Sabb morning as usual We had our free breakfast & Gospel Meeting. The message of Salvation was brought before the men in a practical manner, & I believe many hearts were touched by the word.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. The children turned out a little better today.

At 6-o'clock I give my usual bible reading. Subject , The Love of God. We have had this blessed topic for some weeks. This is the motive power of a Christian's life & can never be exhausted.

At 7-o'clock our band marched around the streets playing the Gospel hymns. By this means, many are lead to think who never come under the sound of the Gospel of God's grace.

April 1909
Sabb 18th At 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting.

Mon 19th This morning I visited Chatswood to see Mr Clifford Love's girl who is ill. I promised for a long time to go out & see her. Mrs Love was very pleased to see me & I spent a short time with them in praise & prayer.

According to arrangement I went to Tarramurra Darcas class in the house of Mrs Dickson's.
There were 13 Ladies present & I give them an account of the mission work, which they always appreciate.
The band practice was held at 7.30. The Lads done very well.

Tues 20th Today I called upon & visited 18 families in my district.
I called upon Mrs Young 22 Harrington St to find that he had passed away. All his struggles are over in this life.
Poor man having that dreadful disease cancer, he suffered most intensely, but it is all over no. I tried to comfort the sorrowing friends left behind with a little prayer.

At 4-o'clock I conducted our gospel meeting for men only There were 42 men present.

Wed 21st Today I called upon & visited 13 families in my district. At 3-o'clock I long with the other Missionaries attended a ladies meeting arranged for Luncheon in connection with our big meeting in the Town Hall. We had a very encouraging meeting.

[Page 34]
April 1909
Thu 22nd Today I visited & called upon 21 families in my district. & had the opportunity of setting the Gospel before many of them not only in the homes but on the street corners especially at the Quay where hundreds of men congregate. These men often invite me as I am passing to say a word to them.

Fri 23rd At 7.30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting. Today I called upon & visited 21 families in my district. Tonight we had a visit of Mr Seddon Choir Master of United Choir to run our branch of the choir through the pieces to be sung.

Sat 24th

Sabb 25th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & Gospel Meeting. There were an unusual number of workers this morning. A Lady from the Country give a very earnest address. We had a very good meeting. At the close I made an appeal to any, young men especially that had left their home & was sick of their prodigal life, to wait behind & accept Christ. One young man about 21 years of age from England remained behind & after a little conversation he fel upon his knees & Professed Christ. May God keep him untill he returns home again.

At 4-o'clock we had our S.S. & at 6-o'clock I give my bible reading, the same Subject. Gods love. At 7-o'clock our band went to the John Williams & went on board & played hymns to the nations who gathered around us & filled with enthuasiam leaped

April 1909
Sabb 25th for joy & clapped their hands & followed the band from the ship to the meeting. They did enjoy it. I conducted our meeting at 7.30.

Mon 26th This morning I visited the Sydney Hospital C & E Wards I had a most profitable time with the patients. I visited Mrs Morgan from my district & had a good time with her. The poor old woman was glad to see me. I went round all the beds & with some of them I had a word of prayer & a word of cheer. Some of them expressed their joy & thanked me very kindly for my visit.

Tue 27th Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district. At 4-o'clock I along with Mr R. Love conducted the gospel meeting for men only. The subject was "Death." There were 42 men present. They listened very attentively. We had a very solmn meeting. I invited any young man in the meeting who had left his home & well nigh broken a mothers heart to remain behind & I would try & point him to Jesus. At the close one young man steped forward & said sir I can hold out no longer I must have the matter settled now. He went to his knees & Professed Christ. He said what I heard this afternoon has brought me to a discussion.

At 7-o'clock the band of hope was held

[Page 35]
April 1909
Wed 28th This forenoon I called upon & visited 12 families in my district & in the afternoon I attended our missionary Prayer meeting & found it greatly helpful.

Thu 29th I called upon & visited 21 families in my district & at 7.30 I conducted our Evangelistic meeting. We had a good meeting.

Fri 30th Today I visited the house of Mrs D. Clerence lane & Princes St. Her daughter-in-law whose husband died not long ago. Was in a state of poverty. The mother-in-law wept as she told me the sad story of her poverty. I am trying to get her a sewing machine to earn her living with. After a word of prayers I give her a line for groceries for which she was thankful.

Tonight the United Choir met in the Central Hall for practice.

June 1909
Tues 1st This morning I called upon & visited 15 families in my district & at 4-o'clock I conducted the Gospel Meeting for men only. At 7-o'clock we held our band of hope.

Wed 2nd The day being so wet I was prevented to a great extent from my usual visiting. I visited 10 families & in the afternoon I attended in Chapman's Meeting in Pitt St Cong. Ch. Subject Why was Mayer unanswered. The address was searching Reasons, was the heart & life not right with God.

[In the margins: Denneley Presby ]

June 1909
Thu 3rd This day I called upon & visited 13 families in my district. At 3-o'clock I attended Dr Chapman's meeting in the Town Hall. The place was packed. Subject 2nd Mile. He said that in the days of Christ the law was that if a man did not know his way & he met another who did he had by the law to return with the man & show him the way for one mile only. That was law. So Christ said, "if a man asks you to go one mile with him, go two" The second mile is grace. All the good a man does, faithful service to Jesus Christ is second mile Christianity. I do thank God for the rich blessing.
At 7.30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting, & I was so full of the 2nd mile Christianity that when I was giving out the notices I forgot them & kugot talking on the 2nd mile. Again took for my text, sin thath seperated between you & God. Again I left the Subject & talked on the second mile, & at the close 11 came to the front & decided for Jesus God help us to live the second mile Christianity is my earnest prayer.

Fri 4th Today I called upon & visited 13 families in my district.

Sat 5th

[In the margins: At Dr Chapman's Meeting]

[Page 36]
June 1909
Sabb 6th This morning at 8.30 We had a large crowd of men anxiously waiting for the opening of the hall door. They looked both cold & hungry. As the door opened they at once rushed in & took their seats at the tables which were laden with thick door step sandwiches. Immediately we sang the blessing the men snade a start. They tell got as much as they could eat
We then let in a second lot who willingly eat up the crumbs. After breakfast bright testimonies were given& the power of God was indeed felt in the meeting.
One man came out to the front & Professed Christ.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School & at 6-o'clock I give a bible reading. When quite a number of the workers took part. We all felt very much blested.

7.30 we held our gospel meeting & God blest the word spoken.

Mon 7th Public Holiday
Tonight I attended our band practice I being appointed as one of the Missionaries for Botany I went along with Mr Walker Missionary. We had a well filled church. Mr Davis one of the American Evangelists Conducted the meeting.
He pressed upon them the necessity of reading the bible 1/2 hours every day. He was very good. We all liked him very much About 13 Boys & Girls came out for Jesus. I arrived home 12-00 midnight.

June 1909
Tue 8th Today was very wet. I visited 7 families in my district. In the evening Mr Walker & myself went to Botany. The night was very wet which means a small Congregation especially in a place like Botany where the people have long distances & through paddocks to come. We have a good lively meeting. Mr Walker give the address & I believe God blest it.

At 4 –o'clock I conducted the mens meeting with Mr Love. We had a good meeting & Mr R. Love give a very earnest word.

The band of hope was held by Mr Sinclair & Mrs Salmons.

Wed 9th This morning was very wet. I visited 10 family in my district.
I went to Botany this evening. The rain was pouring down & notwithstanding the weather we had a fair meeting. I took for my subject God's call to sinners. I felt that God was with us & many received blessing. The ministers daughter Miss Wells came up to me & said she had received blessing.

Thu 10th This day was very wet I visited 17 families in my district. At 7.30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting notwithstanding the great mission in the city & suburbs. We had a very good meeting. There were 60 present & we experienced the blessing of God.

[Page 37]
June 1909
Fri 11th This morning I attended the Ministers meeting in the Baptist church 10.30 am Dr W Chapman give the address. He dealt principally upon the Ministers duty in connection with his people, pressing upon them not the amount of time spent upon their sermons, but being filled with the holy Ghost.
Not the word spoken only but the way in which it was spoken. If backed up by the power of the Holy Ghost it would reach the people's hearts & produce a holy consistant Christian life. He went on to say that some Ministers did not altogether believe in the divmity of Jesus Christ & the went into the pulpit & preached to the people one thing & believe another, & took their Salaries, Brethern he said I believe the old book from cover to cover, I believe that Jesus is divine & the co equal with the Father. Jesus is the only way of salvation. The people come to hear & to get what you don't give them, their they go out of the church dissatisfied & deny the religion of Jesus Christ altogether. It is not eloquent sermons but simple gospel in the power of the Holy Ghost that will sure the sinner. It was a most powerful sermon. I believe God's servants Got real blessing & at Dr Chapman's request. The ministers went up to the front & consecrated themselves a new to God for service. I do believe, long after the Evangelists are gone, this morning subject will live in our hearts

June 1909
Fri 11th We retired from the Baptist Church to the Town Hall at 10-o'clock. Dr Chapman give a most powerful address. It was very searching upon the hearts of every one of us.

Tonight I as Missioner went to Botany Methodist United Meeting. The night was fine & the church was well filled. I give the address my subject Luke 9-&42. Christ healing the lunatic. God blest His own word.
Many Christians got real blessing & would scarcely leave at the close of the service. Every one seemed to be moved willing to do what they could than another

Sat 12th

Sabb 13th This morning at 8.30 we had an exceptionally good breakfast. Immediately after breakfast I took the men up stairs to the main hall. Mr Davis one of the American Evangelists give the address. He spoke in the power of the spire men were weeping all over. He held up the photo of a man a Prize Pugelist who was converted in America & now serving God. It come in well after C. Woodward the robber give his testimony. At the close 8 men came to the front & Professed Christ.

[Page 38]
June 1909
Sabb 13th Continued. At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School & at 6-o'clock I give my usual bible reading. Rom 1st chapter. At 7.30 the Rev Mr Moore our General Secy. addressed the meeting. Notwithstanding the grand & glorious meetings in connection with the Chapman & Alexander Mission we had a good meeting. Mr Moore give a very earnest address & God blest it to the Salvation of souls. At the close 2 men Professed Christ. This day was very cold & some of these men were in a persisting condition. At the morning breakfast one of them fainted & fell under the table. Poor fellow lying out all night & exposed to hunger & cold he was very ill.

Tonight I give 12 hungry men a meal & 7 men a bed 19 in all.

Mon 14th Today at 6-o'clock I attended the Chapman Meeting & at night I attended our band practice. We had a very good practice

Tue 15th Today I visited 12 families in my district. Also attended the midday meeting. Also the meeting in baptist Ch. by Morton. On personal work. At 4-o'clock I conducted the mens meeting Mr R Love give an address & at the close a man came forward & put in my hand a bill re the last fight he had in Melbourne & won the boxing championship for light weight. He gave his heart

June 1909
Tue 15th to the Lord Sabb morning at the breakfast. He said tell Mr Davis there is another Champion pugelist on the Lord's side. Praise His name.

At 7-o'clock the band of hope was held.

Wed 16th This morning in Pitt St Cong. Ch. I attended a meeting conducted by Mr Chapman & Alexander Subject the Evangelistic Church. His address was something grand. I believe every one got a big blessing. To make a long story short. What constituted an Evangelistic Church was Minister & people wholy given up to God & the old gospel in its simplicity preached & lived. The people & preacher alike one in Christ Lone in arm.
No human invention however clever can take the place of the simple gospel preached in the Power of the Holy Ghost.

Mrs Green & myself visited 22 families in the afternoon . Picking out the old people for the old aged meeting tomorrow night.

I visited Mrs Layton who is very ill & poor after prayer I give her an order for groceries for which she was very thankful.

I also visited Mrs M.Intyre a deserted woman & give her an order for groceries.

[Page 39]
June 1909
Thu 17th Today I attended the various meetings & had real blessing. This evening at 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. I invited testimonies & one very pleasing thing was that of a man who came right up to the platform & said men I do thank God for this opportunity of standing before you to give my testimony. My name is Will Curley the champion lightweight boxer. My wild career began with drink then gambling then I became a house breaker & robber. Last Sabb morning I came to the front with 7 other men & give my heart to Jesus. I have done time in every state in Australia. Now thank God I am going to fight for Jesus. Men do as I have done give your heart to Christ & live for him.

Fri 18th Today I visited a young man 17 years of age who has been sent out from home for Consumption. The poor fellow is very far advanced in the trouble & not likely ever to reach home again. He is away from Father & Mother & all friends. I have got him medical advice & the Dr says there is no hope. Poor fellow I pointed him to Jesus & he Professed to have taken Him as his saviour. May God bless the lad.

June 1909
Sat 19th Today at 3-o'clock I held a Jumble sale realizing £ 2 7 8 1/2.

Sabb 20th This Sabb morning was remarkable morning for blessing. We had a large crowd of men. Dr Robinson, Mr Sinclair & many others occupied the platform. Immediately after breakfast We commenced our meeting, & Charlie Woodward give a very earnest word. My own boy said a word for the first time & others of the band took part. Last of all Curley came up to the platform & his face beaming with joy told what God had saved him from urged the men to accept Christ. Men were seen weeping all over the meeting. At the close two came out for Jesus & many others were deeply impressed.

At 4-o'clock Mr Sinclair give to the Sabb School the review. We had a very nice address & the children was very much interested in it.

At 6-o'clock We had a nice bible reading & afterwards prayer. Every one seemed to be full of blessing.

It is very much easier to speak for the Master living in such a blessed atmosthere Of love.

[Page 40]
June 1909
Mon 21st Today I visited & called upon 10 families in my district & attended meetings in connection with Chapman Alexander Meetings. I did enjoy the blessing of God. The interest in the blessed work is still increasing.

Tonight at 7.30 we held our band practice.

Tue 22nd Today at 4-o'clock I conducted the gospel meeting for the men only. We had a real good meeting.
This morning at 8.30 I received a telephone message from Government House, Lady Dudley requesting me to be in attendence at the hall from 11 to 12.45. As she wanted to communicate with me regarding the work & that she wanted no substutite but myself. His Excellency spoke to me about 12.50 & said that Her Excellency wanted to talk with me. She questioned me in the nature of the work & spoke very encouraging words. I have a consumptive boy in my district away from father & mother who lives in Aberdeen Shire Scotland. She was very much interested in this case & promised to send me £s 3 0 0 to help him, which she did.
She promised to come to the free breakfast on Sabb morning the beginning of the month & I requested her to bring His Excellency with her. Tonight at 7-o'clock we held the band of hope.

June 1909
Wed 23rd Today at 2.30 I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting. We had a real warm meeting.

At 4-o'clock in the Pitt St Congregational Ch. I attended Dr Chapman's meeting for Lay Preachers & thank God for the great blessing we got there.

At 7-o'clock according to arrangement Rev Mr Moore our General Secy. married a couple in 16 Windmill St. Mr Savage to Miss Cross.

Thu 24th This morning along with Mrs Green I visited a young man 23 years of age who is paralized in both legs. I had an nice conversation with him about his soul.
I told him that the Lord Jesus could make him happy under any circumstances if only he give his heart to Him. After some time he decided for Christ & I left him quite happy. He lives with his sister who is not too well off & altho he is not quite a case for the hospital I promised to try & get him admission.

This evening at 7.30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting. We had a real testimony meeting my band lads are nearly all converted, & they stood up one by one & give a nice testimony. I do thank God for the blessing that has come to my mission.

[Page 41]
June 1909
Fri 25th This morning I went to Sydney Hospital & arranged with Superintendent for the admission of a young man23 years of age, Mr Sharp. Poor fellow he is paralized in both legs & unable to walk. I got a cab & took him up to the hospital where he was admitted & attended to. E was living with his sister who is not very well off, & taking him to the hospital was a blessed relief to his sister.

Sat 26th

Sabb 27th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting & there was a large crowd of men present. After admitting those men who held tickets, there were about as many standing outside waiting anxiously for chance to get in. I at last threw the door open & every one got in. & enjoyed a good warm cup of tea & some bread. After breakfast was over we took up the meeting.
There were some very bright testimonies given. Amongst others was Curley the boxer, who give a most startling testimony. At the close 3 men Professed Christ One of the young men wept bitterly whose father has one of the largest butcher Establishment in Brisbane. He decided for Christ & I believe is a genuine case. After this breakfast we went to St Stephen's Church Philip St to hear Dr Wilbur Chapman & thank God for the great blessing we received. The church was packed, & God did manifest His power.

 June 1909
Sabb 27th Continued. After the service was over I approached the Dr & told him about Curley the boxer who converted at my free breakfast along with other 9 Sabb week. When Mr Davis one of the American Evangelists was there.
The Dr pressed me to bring him up to the Town Hall at 3-o'clock to give testimony before the men.
Not knowing where to find him I waited outside the Town Hall after it was full & hundreds shutout.
When Curley came walking up to the place quick unawares. I at once took him into the hall & marched him up to the front. The hall was packed & the Dr give a most earnest address. The Almighty power of God was felt all over the hall.
After the address was over the Dr called up Curley & told him to stand upon the chair. There he give one of the most startling testimonies ever given in the Town Hall. Amidst loud cheering of the people Curley made an appeal to every man to take Jesus. Men he said, don't say you can't take Him just the T off the can't & Put I in the front & say you can take Him. The Dr told the story of Curley's conversion. I never in my life experienced such a blessed meeting I believe that in the history of the Town Hall there never was such a meeting.

[In the margins: Curley's confession in Town Hall]

[Page 42]
June 1909
Sabb 27th At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. At 6-o'clock we held a bible reading & Prayer meeting. At 7.30 we held our Gospel Meeting 3 Professed Christ at the close of the meeting. This was the busiest but most blessed day. I think I ever spent. 5 altogether Professed Christ.

Mon 28th The morning at 7.30 The Town Hall was filled to hear Dr Chapman fairwell address, & after the address there was a procession from the Town Hall to the Railway Stn. The Tram traffic was blocked No man ever got such an enthusiastic send off as Dr Chapman & party. No man has ever left behind him such a widespread sympathy, & no man has ever been so successful in binding ministers & people of every creed & church together. There never was in the history of Australisia such a great awakening.

I held the band practice at 7.30.

Tue 29th Today I called upon & visited 20 families in my district. At 4-o'clock I along with Mr Love conducted our usual men's meeting. Curly give a very pointed word. Some of them had been passing lying remarks about him but Curly said
June 1909
Tue 29th perhaps the men who said those unkind things about me was from the fact that he must have been looking at what Curly was, not at what Curly is. I don't care what any one say about me. I know I have got Christ in my heart I am happy. Men take Jesus as your Saviour & you will be as happy as I am.

Wed 30th Today I called upon & visited 18 families & at 2.30 I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting. We had a real good time. At 8-o'clock we had Choir practice.

Emcoil beg

[Page 43]
August 1909
Sabb 1st This morning at 8.30 we held our breakfast & Gospel Meeting. We had a very good earnest meeting. Several give short addresses which had a telling effect upon the men. Traces of anxiety could be seen upon many of their faces. At close as usual I requested all those who were anxious to be saved to put up their hands for prayer, & quite a number of hands went up & at the close 3 came to the front. They went to their knees, & after prayer they Professed Christ. All praise & honour to God whose work it is.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6-o'clock. We had a good prayer meeting seeking God's blessing upon the work. At 6.30 we went to the open air when we had a real good time. A number of people gathered round us & listened to the gospel. Some of them follow us to the indoor meeting.

At 7.30 we held our Gospel meeting. There were about 150 present.

Monday 2nd This evening at 7.30 we held our band practice. The boys are getting on well.

Tue 3rd This forenoon I called upon & visited 10 families in my district. At 4-o'clock I addressed the gospel meeting for men only.

At 6.30 I went to St Philip's Anniversary. There was a good turn out Canning Bellingham is a spiritually pundid man. Arch Deacon D'Arcy Irvine occupied the chair. Dr Macky, Rev Mr Charleton give addresses & the Cannon requested me to give an address which I did.

August 1909
Wed 4th This forenoon I visited 10 families in my district & in the afternoon I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting. We always find this meeting helpful to our soul & fits us for our work.

Today I give a grocery order to a poor woman whose has 6 of a family & one of them with hip joint disease & the bread winner unable to work. The poor woman has had a very sad experience. Not very long ago two of the children lay in Sydney Hospital & her home was in poverty & pain. I have very frequently helped her for which she was very thankful.

Thu 5th Today I called upon & visited 16 families in my district & had the opportunity of speaking for the Master.

At 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. There were about 90 present & God power was felt in our meeting.

Fri 6th Today I received a letter from Edward Smith the ex boxer, who three weeks strikeout after strikeout before his conversation, committed theft by taking 13/6 from a gas metre, Judge Murry was on the binch & just before the scentic was passed I appeared for him & was permitted by the Judge to speak on his behalf. I said the prisoner Edward Smith was for some time under my care & during that period his life & conduct was unquestionable & had become the favourite of all those with whom he come in contact & that deep down in my heart I believe the prisoner give an abundent evidence of change of life, & I hoped his honour could see his way to extend mercy to him as it was his first offence, & I would send him to his mother (The Judge, America, yes your honour

[Page 44]
August 1909
Fri 6th The Judge then said, Good for you my lad that some one pleads for you, but I have to pass the sentence of 12 months hard labour not to be carried out, & for reasons. For which I don't want to expose you in the court you make application when you are right for liberty & go home to your mother & be a credit to her.

Sat 7th

Sabb 8th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting was held. We had a good meeting & at close one man Professed Christ.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School & at 6-o'clock we held our Prayer Meeting asking God's blessing on the work of the Sabb day.

We then went to the open air & at the square we held in front of the large terrace a good meeting. 7.30 we held our gospel meeting.

Mon 9th This evening at 6-o'clock I visited the house of Mrs Miller Atherton St there I found Mr Miller lying upon the flower unconscious held down by 4 men. He is in the habit of taking drink had over balanced & fell down stairs. His poor wife with 6 of a family was almost distracted. My unbalance man came & when restored to a sound state of mind he was taken to Sydney Hospital. I tried my best to comfort the poor heartbroken wife.

At 7-30 we held our band practice.

August 1909
Mon 9th This forenoon I visited Sydney Hospital & went round the wards & had a real good time amongst the patients speaking & singing the gospel.

Tue 10th This afternoon I conducted our gospel meeting for men only. At the close 2 men came to the front & Professed Christ.

Curley, Walker, Taylor, & McKinnon along with myself conducted the meeting at Surry Hills.

The hall was full, & at the close of the meeting one man went to his knees & Professed Christ.

Wed 11th This morning we went to Town Hall to see Dr Chapman Alexander & Party off hundreds followed to the boat, & there they sang hymns untill they were out of hearing.

At 2.30 I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting.

Thu 12th Today I visited 12 families in my district, & at 7-30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting.

Fri 13th Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district & had the opportunity of dealing with several about their soul.

At 7.30 we held our choir practice.

[Page 45]
August 1909
Sat 14th

Sabb 15th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. There were about 150 present, & the power of God was felt in the meeting. As usual at the close I made an appeal to the men, that if any of them were tired of sin & would like to be on the Lord's side to wait behind & one man remained & Professed Christ. May God bless & keep him.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6-o'clock we had a Prayer meeting & we had a soul refreshing time. At 7-o'clock when a number of the young Christians engaged in Prayer & we had a soul refreshing time. At 7-o'clock we went to the open air & we had a good gospel meeting.

A number of the young believers said a word & God blest it to some of the listeners many of them become interested in the word & drew near to the ring & listened very attentively to the word spoken.

At 7-30 we had our gospel meeting in the hall Mr J Harne addressed the meeting & give a very earnest word.

Mon 16th This morning I visited Darlinghurst Gail to see Mr Edward Smith, for whom I plead before Judge Murray. He expressed his thankfulness to me for what I had done for him, & said that he was still trusting in Jesus & requested prayer from all the Mission friends. He said he would be able to open some of their eyes when he came out & that this would give him a good experience.

August 1909
Mon 16th Tonight at 7-30 we had our band practice.

Tue 17th This morning at 10-o'clock along with Mr J Dyer. I visited the Home of Peace for the Dying. We went to see a poor old man who is dying from cancer, & who is near end. He was reconciled to his end. Some few days ago I visited him & pointed him to Jesus. I went round the Institution & had a real good time with the poor dying patients. I sang them & they did enjoy the singing. The home is very comfortable & the nurses very kind & all is done for them that can be done.

At 4-o'clock I conducted the men's meeting. We had a very good meeting. At the close one came out & Professed Christ.

Wed 18th This morning I attended the funeral Sermony of Judge Foster.

This evening at 6-30 A Social of the Mission Workers was held. There were about 70 present. We had a good tea in the basement after which we went up stairs when we talked over the work in detail. We agreed to having cottage meetings all over the district, The young men to conduct them. Mr Penfold occupied the chair, & towards the close Mr Penfold on behalf of the workers presented Miss Florence Heather a beautiful bible & Purse as a token of respect for her services on the organ this last 6 years. We had a most enjoyable evening.

[Page 46]
August 1909
Thu 19th I spent all forenoon visiting Sydney Hospital. I visited the women's wards & varandahs, & spoke to them & sang hymns. They did enjoy the singing. When I went into the wards those who were unable to leave their beds said, sir. We did enjoy your singing. They heard it all over the wards. I don't know when I had such an enjoyable visit.

I called upon & visited 10 families this afternoon, & at 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting.

Fri 20th Today I called upon & visited 11 families in my district & had the opportunity of dealing with those men who hang about the corners waiting for work.

Sat 21st

Sabb 22nd This morning as usual we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. We had about 150 present. We had a good staff of workers. Curley, & Jack O'Brien give earnest addresses, & the Ladies sang beautifully to the men who highly appreciated their services. We had altogether a splendid meeting, & the power of God was felt in our mindst.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. & at 6-o'clock our prayer meeting. Asking the blessing of God upon the weak, & at 7-o'clock we held our open air in the square when a large number heard the gospel.
At 7-30 we conducted our Gospel Meeting in the hall & we had a real good meeting. Mr Hill give the address.

August 1909
Mon 23 This forenoon along with the rest of the Missionaries I met for the purpose of arranging matters in connection with our tea & concert in the Town Hall to be held on 3rd Sept. & in the afternoon visited 9 families in my district.

At 7.30 we held our band practice. We had a good practice.

Tue 24th Today I called upon & visited 17 families in my district & 4-o'clock I conducted our gospel meeting for men only. We had over 40 present I do thank God for the earnest hearing they give the word. I felt very specially near the spirit of God.

Wed 25th Today I visited & called upon 17 families & at 2.30 I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting. We had time of refreshing of refreshing.

Tonight at 7-30 we commenced our first Cottage Meeting in the house of Mrs Wright 8 Stevens Buildings Windmill St. The Boys read & spoke & took a deep interest in the work. They made a very good start. The subject was the "Fruit of the Spirit." I believe God will bless this work & it will do the means of training the boys for service in a wider sense.

Thu 26th Today was wet all the day through which prevented me from visiting.
At 7-30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting notwithstanding the rain.

[In the margins: Cottage Meeting]

[Page 47]
August 1909
Fri 27th This day was again uncomfortable with rain.
I took my wife to Sydney Hospital. She has for some time been suffering a tear duct leading from the eye to the nose. The superintendent give me a letter to Dr Norman Maihiod eye specialist who willingly operated upon her, which has to be repeated until the lump which has formed upon the side of the eye is desolved.

Sat 28th

Sabb 29th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. There were a good number of men & after breakfast was over we as usual went up stairs to our meeting.
Alderman Cox was with us & was highly delighted to wittness such a work. After hearing several testimonies from the men themselves he give a very earnest address. His words were of a very encouraging nature & were very much appreciated by the men.
At the close one man came to the front & decided. Alderman Cox give £ 1-00 towards the breakfast.
At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. We had a much better attendence today.

At 6-o'clock we had a most blessed prayer meeting & at 7-00 an open air. I felt the power of God in the open air. One man followed us into the meeting & decided for Jesus. 7.30 we held our Gospel Meeting. The power of God was felt in the meeting. We had a real good day.

August 1909

Mon Aug 30th Today I was collecting in the interest of our Big tea & concert in Town Hall.

At 7.30 we had our band practice.

Tue 31st Today I went through the fruit market getting promises for our tea & concert.

At 4-o'clock I conducted our gospel meeting for men only.

J Mathers

October 1909
Fri 1st Today I visited the house of Mrs C. 154 Gloucester St. There I found the poor old mother blind & sitting in rags suffering from rheumatism her hands & feet deformed, & in the bed lay her daughter suffering from the same complaint & who met with an accident. They are both widows & one granddaughter all were unable to earn a living.

It was a heart rending sight to see the poverty & misery of that home. I had prayer with them, & notwithstanding their being R Cs. they did indeed appreciate the word of cheer. I give them an order for groceries & they did not know how to express their thankfulness & said the kindness with which you have shown to us is more than we have ever received from our own.

[In the margins: Casey R.C.]

[Page 48]
October 1909
Saturday 2nd Today I visited Sydney Hospital to see Mr Woods Curley's Companion, who met with an accident & had to undergo an immediate opperation. I had a very good time with him. I took advantage of the opportunity & pressed upon him the necessity of giving his heart to Jesus. After prayer, he resolved to give his heart to Jesus & I left him happy.
Sabb 3rd This morning at 8.30 we held our usual breakfast & gospel meeting. There were a good number of men present & after enjoying a good meal we, as usual, went up stairs where the got the gospel plain & pointed. There were a number of testimonies & God blest the word spoken, at the close one man came to the front & Professed Christ, may God bless him is my earnest Prayer.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School & at 6-o'clock we held our bible reading & prayer meeting. This meeting is very profitable meeting to God's people. We have a good time of prayer just before going out to the open air.

At 6-45 we held our open air at Milton Terrace. There were a good number who listened to the word. At 7-20 we had our gospel meeting. We had a good lively time & each one I believe felt the blessing of God.

Mon 4th Today was a public holiday, & above 45 of our workers met at Balmoral Beech, were we spent a very happy day together.

October 1909
Tue 5th This forenoon I visited Sydney hospital, & at 4-o'clock I conducted a gospel meeting for men only.
Miss Noble read the word, & Miss Gilbert sang. We had indeed a very blessed time. This is a meeting where the men get the gospel in its simplicity brought before them, & I do thank God for the number of these men who embrace the message.

Wed 6th This forenoon I visited 8 families in my district & had the opportunity of speaking a word for the master.

At 2.30 I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting. I thank God for the blessing we received at this meeting.

Thu 7th Today I visited 10 families in my district & had the pleasure of dealing with men at street corners, the only place we have an opportunity of dealing with them.

At 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a very good attendance & much blessing.

Fri 8th Today I called upon & visited 12 families in my district, & had the opportunity of dealing with the sick.

Saturday 9th Today I held a jumble sale & realised £ 3 – 15 – 0.

[Page 49]
October 1909
Sabb 10th This morning at 8.30 we held our usual gospel meeting, & Free breakfast. We had a good turnout of men. After enjoying a good meal they went up stairs where they got what we call the second course, & the best course, Namely the Gospel. Several give bright testimonies & God blest them to number of the men. At the close 1 man Professed Christ.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6-o'clock our prayer meeting before going to the open air. At 6.45 we went to the open air. We had a very good meeting.
A number of men stand around the wall looking across the harbour in addition to the number of people who stand at the doors & listen to the word. God blesses the word often as some of them follows us to the hall.

At 7-o'clock we held our Gospel Meeting.

Mon 11th I called upon & visited 10 families in my district & in the forenoon I visited Rookwood cemetery to arrange for headstone for my sons grave.

At 7-30 I attended our band practice. We had a very good practice.

October 1909
Tue 12th Today I visited & called upon 14 families in my district & at 4-o'clock I conducted our usual Gospel Meeting for men only. We had a very good meeting.

Wed 13th Wet all day.
Tonight I conducted a cottage meeting in the house of Mrs Jones 45 Harrington St. We had an encouraging meeting. God has indeed blest the meeting in this house. It brings a class of people under the preaching of the word that otherwise would not go anywhere else. We move from house to house in different localities, always getting at a strange people. I'm this way much good of a perminent nature was done in the old country during Moody & Sankey revival & even long after. It was in this way I along with my two bros got my early training for the work the minister of the church to which we belonged give us the greatest help & I do thank God for my early training.

Thu 14th Today I called upon & visited 20 families in my district. This evening we had a very good meeting Mr Clerk give an address one of the men who was saved through the free breakfast & now doing church service & pushing for the ministury. He spoke well. At the close he give 10/- towards the breakfast.

[Page 50]
October 1909
Fri 15th Today I visited my bro at Surryhills who is sick.
Afterwards I visited Darlinghurst Gail to see Mr Smith the ex Boxer. He is getting on well & hoping soon to be at liberty. He is still trusting in Jesus.
I also visited Camperdown Children's Hospital.

Sat 16th Today I attended the marriage of Jack O'Brine the first man who got converted through my Free breakfast, Mr Hammond was the preacher & was the mean's of his conversion. He was married by the Rev Mr Bins & Mr Hammond in Cong. Ch. Redfern. I had the pleasure of giving away his bride. We had a most pleasant gathering of about a 200. I am sure he has got a good wife & will be very comfortable.

Sabb 17th This morning as usual we had a very large crowd waiting for the opening of the hall door with a humpy anxious look upon their faces. Just at 8.30 the door was opened when the crowd very orderly entered the basement of the hall& partook of a good plain breakfast. There were a large number of workers present & when operations commenced the workers with delight put too their hands & done everything in their power to make the men happy. The men always recognise the kindness shown them by those Ladies & Gentlemen coming from the

October 1909
Sabb 17th various suburbs & raising from their good warm beds at such an early hour of the morning when the great bulk of the people just dye in bed reading the news papers until 10-o'clock in the day.

Immediately the breakfast is over the men go up stairs to the main hall where they get what I call the second course, namely the gospel. After several bright testimonies I made a special appeal to any who were tired of a life of sin & misery, to come right out to the front with the blessed result that 20 came out for Jesus.
I do thank God for the glorious manifestation of his saving power in a very special manner this morning.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6-o'clock we held our Bible reading Prayer Meeting. I thank God for this meeting.

Prayer is the secret of all power. At 7-o'clock we went to the open air. We had a very good time there & I do believe God blest the word.

At 7-30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting. I am pleased to say that we had real definite blessing throughout the Sabb day. All Glory to God.

[In the margins: Sabb Meeting]

[Page 51]
October 1909
Monday 18th This morning I called upon & visited 16 families in my district. For example one poor woman with two little children left by her husband to struggle without a bread winner. Lower Fort St. The poor woman told me that she got scarcely more than one meal per day. She was a stranger in a strange land. Her husband was a butcher & they came from the old country a little over 12 months & he had not been very successful. He left her & went to England. After a little conversation I give her an order for groceries for which she was very thankful.

At 7-30 I attended our band practice we had a very good practice.

Tue 19th Today I called upon & visited 16 families in my district & at 4-o'clock I conducted the gospel meeting for men only. We had a very good meeting.

Wed 20th This forenoon I called upon & visited 9 families in my district, & at 3-o'clock I along with other missionaries attended a ladies meeting in Central Hall in the interest of our coming Street collection & exmers tree & C. At 7.30 give held our cottage meeting in the house of Mrs Jones 45 Harrington St. There were 12 present & we had a good meeting.

October 1909
Thu 21st This morning at 9-o'clock I left the hall with 84 Boys & Girls a Picnic to Sagoods Wahrongo. I took with me 7 workers, my wife, Miss May, Miss Heather, Miss Gilbert & Miss Noble & Miss Auburn. When we arrived at the grounds Mrs Sagood & family were there waiting for our arrival. They had everything prepared for our comfort. The children cot a service of buns before going to play afterwards they were brought together again & got as much as they could eat & drink. All the workers were sent to the big house for dinner where we got the best treatment they could give us.

Mr & Mrs Benth & mother who took a deep interest in the children, especially Mr B. who is Mr Sagood's representative done all in his power to make the day enjoyable they were present with us.

Mr B run races with the children for prizes, in the afternoon. About 4-o'clock the children were bought together again & got another service of Buns and cakes & fruit. Afterwards, The children got their prizes & I made a few kind remarks thanking Mr & Mrs Sagood & family for the great kindness they bestowed upon the children. We marched for home & then reaching the Quay in safety all made for their home. I do thank God for his goodness to us.

[In the margins: Picnic to Sagood's]

[Page 52]
October 1909
Thu 21st At 7.30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting

Fri 22nd This evening at 7.45. The Missionaries had a social evening as a welcome home to Mr & Mrs Moore after enjoying a well earned holiday to Queensland. The Missionaries with their wives formed a very happy company. After enjoying a good dinner. The Missionaries one by one spoke in loving terms of Mr & Mrs Moore, each one spoke highly of Mr & Mrs Moore. Valuable services to the mission. After this Mr Freeland presented to Mr & Mrs Moore a beautiful silver kettle with oil stand from the missionaries as a token of their esteem & affection for our Gen. Secy. & his beloved wife who is in a very special manner loved & respected by the general public. The Mission has indeed made heaps & bounds since Mr Moore came into to the mission I took the rains of the government I trust God that they will be long spared to us.

My dear bro was absent through a most severe & dangerous illness, May God soon restore him again is my earnest prayer.

[In the margins: Social & presentation to Mr & Mrs Moore]

October 1909
Sat 23rd

Sabb 24th This morning at 8.30 a large crowd of men as usual thronged the door of the hall. The traces of anxiety was upon their faces.
At the appointed time the tables were surrounded by a lot of hungry men who done their duty to the eatables.

We went up stairs immediately after breakfast was over. Bright short addresses were given. We had a real lively meeting.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6-o'clock God's presents was felt at our Prayer Meeting.

7-30 we had our Gospel Meeting Mr Johnstone give very earnest address.

Monday 25th Today Mrs B Millers Road Called upon me complaining of her distress. She is a very poor woman & a widow with a child. She is getting old & not capable of doing a hard days work. & at times she is very sore tried. After a little conversation with her I give her an order for groceries for which the poor woman was so thankful.

Bring unwell & suffering from a bad cold I was unable to attend band practice tonight.

[In the margins: Bestman]

[Page 53]
October 1909
Tue 26th Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district & in the afternoon at 4-o'clock I conducted the men's meeting. Miss Noble read the word of God to them & Miss Gilbert sang a solo. We had a very good meeting

Wed 27th Today at 2.00 I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting in Central Hall in connection with our Xmas tree & St collection. We had a good meeting & every one seemed earnest about the meeting.

Thu 28th Today I called upon & visited 23 families in my district. I visited the house of Mrs Moore 17 Harrington St a poor woman who has for nearly 10 years been confirmed to bed through rheumatism she is in a deformed condition & unable to lift her hands or feet. I have for over 12 years visited regularly this woman's house & I do thank God for the quiet patient creature she is. She never heard to grumble. She is always thankful for any one who will come & sing & our a little word to her. Today I took with me Miss Gilbert Noble & nurse Barrett. She was delighted with their visit & invited them back again.

October 1909
Thu 28th Tonight at 7.30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting.

Fri 29th I spent this forenoon seeing my bro Thomas. He is very low & in a most critical condition. Again I went to see him & still found him very low. Sir James Graham M.D. Was sent for & on his arrival he found him in a very dangerous state.
Sir James injected morphia into his arm in order to get him to sleep. He has slept very little this last 5 weeks& is fairly done out from want of rest. May the dear Lord bless him & restore him to health again is my earnest prayer.
Sat 30th Today I again visited my bro & found him a little easier. He was enabled to sleep through the injection he got last night previous & felt a little better. Thank God.

Sabb 31st This morning I had a real good turn out at the breakfast I had about 40 workers helping & at the meeting there was good singing as well as lively speakers.

4-o'clock we had Sabb School I went to see bro, he was still easier. Praise God.
6-o'clock I conducted our prayer meeting & at 1-30 our Gospel Meeting. We had a good meeting.

[Page 54]
December 1909
Wed 1st Visiting in the interest of St. Collection this forenoon & attending ladies meeting in Central hall.

This evening at 7.30 Mr Hamilton conducted the band of hope. There were a good number present.

Thu 2nd Visiting all day in the interest of St. Collection.
This evening at 7.30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting. We had a very lively meeting. The poverty which prevails in my district brings out the people in search of more than the gospel, but being in the way God blesses the word.

Fri 3rd Organising all day for St. Collection which is to take place tomorrow.

Sat 4th This day was our Street Collection. I am sure in the face of all many difficulties than our Mission has a right to praise God for the great success He give us. I was so pleased to see the interest that Mr Dodd, Gen. Manager Sydney Ferry Coy, took in us. Our Collection on both sides of the water were very much encouraged through Mr Dodd's generous action. My wife collected in the boats & got £s 5-00 in her box. All the boxes were good. A Dear little girl called Sweety Campbell only 7 years old collected £s 2-15-10 1/2. Miss Gilbert £ 1 18 – 9 1/2. Miss Noble £ 2-7-6.

December 1909
Sat 4th Miss Dunbar £ 1-3-6 1/2. Miss Gilbert 16/11-. Miss Dixon 12-. All the rest of the collectors had good boxes. Mrs Edwards done good work at North Sydney.

Sabb 5th This morning as usual a large crowd stood outside the mission hall door with a careworn & anxious look upon their faces. 8.30 am the door was opened when the tables were rushed by the poor hungry fellows. They did enjoy a good plain meal.
The second course was up stairs, where the gospel was faithfully preached. It is gratifying to see how earnestly the listen to the word of God. At the close 1 man Professed Christ, while many were anxious.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb. School. There were 130 present.

At 6-o'clock we marched out with the band. People turned our doors to hear the band & some followed to the hall.
7.30 we held our Gospel Meeting. We had a nice lively meeting & several of the workers took part.

Mon 6th Tonight at 7-30 we held our band practice. We had a very good practice.

[Page 55]
December 1909
Tue 7th Today I called upon & visited 13 families in my district & had the opportunity of droping a word of cheer & comfort, which is much needed at this important stage when there is so much misery & poverty through unfortunate strike.

This forenoon I visited Norman house in the interest of a girl.

At 4-o'clock had a very good meeting for men only. We had a very good meeting.

At 7-o'clock Mrs Salmon conducted a little girls sowing class for fancy work.

Wed 8th Today the Presbyterian Church Mosman gave a beautiful picnic to 114 children to a lot garden where they did enjoy themselves. The Ladies of the Church done everything for their comfort Especially Mr & Mrs Smith who took the lions share of getting it up. The children as much as they could eat & drink & after enjoying themselves as they were going away they were all furnished with a toy each. All arrived home in safety thank God.

Thu 9th Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district. Almost every home you enter poverty meets you in the face & they are looking & waiting anxiously for the Xmas dinners

December 1909
Thu 9th continued. At 7-30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting. We had a good turn out of people. About this time of the year they know who are their friends in time of distress.

Fri 10th Today I visited & called upon 14 fam. in my district & had the opportunity of telling the gospel story which helped to sooth many a sad heart, with the promise of a little help in the shape of a Xmas dinner. Which I am sure is much required at this time.

Sat 11th

Sabb 12th This morning as usual at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & Gospel Meeting. There were above 150 present. After breakfast the men went up stairs as usual where the get the pointed gospel. God blest the word to many of them.

At 4-o'clock the Sabb School met. There were 100 children present.

At 6-o'clock we held an open air with the band with the result that some followed us to the gospel meeting which we held at 7-30.

Mon 13th Today Rev John Ferguson St Stephens Philip St through his assistant sent a poor inebriate to me in order to see if I could remedy his case. I got him boarding & food. The man keep sober & was anxious for work & when right be life & went up country in pursuit of work.

[Page 56]
December 1909
Tue 14th Today at 4-o'clock I conducted our gospel meeting for men only. & at 7-o'clock The little girls sewing class was conducted by Mr Salmon.

Wed 15th Today Xmas dinner were given to 12 families who were very deserving & who were suffering from the effects of the coal strike, For example The very heart hendering case was that of Mrs C. whose husband has been sick for 8 week, also 2 little children sick with measels. There are 7 of them in the family. Previous to this I visited the home, & had the pleasure of pointing Mr C. to Jesus. I also offered assistance to her modesty & pride would not allow her to take anything at the time. I sent the district Nurse Dunbar, who attended to their wants. Today I had the privilege of giving them help in the shape of a Xmas dinner. The poor man as well as his wife was very grateful to me for what we had done for him.

Tonight a supper was given to the man in honour of Jack O'Brien's marriage when over 200 men sat down to a rich feast prepared by the above. After satisfying themselves at the tables.

We went up stairs where we had a lively meeting The Rev Mr Moore Gen Sec occupied the chair

[In the margins: Mr & Mrs Clark 22 Harrington St]

December 1909
Wed 15th continued Mr Penfold my supper Mr & Mrs Edwards were present. We had also a large staff of willing workers who done everything in their power to make the event a success. The meeting was opened with prayer. After which the men sang 14 m. Sankey "Tell me the old, old story & c" They put their soul into it. Charley Woodward, Curley, & Jacky O'Brien give testimonies. Rev Mr Moore give an address. After which Mr & Mrs O'Brien was presented with a beautiful 400 day time pure. A very remarkable thing took place at this stage of the meeting. A seafaring man arose in the audience as representing the men & said friends I am not gifted as a speaker, but just rise to voice the men present to say that where ever the British language is spoken then name of Mr Mathers is mentioned, also then free breakfast. I am sure we are all so thankful for the good done to so many coming to a strange place & finding friends ready to help us. We are thankful for the good that has been done. He was highly applauded by all the men present. We had indeed a very pleasant evening, & one that will not soon be forgotten. Jack has got a good Christian wife. May God 's blessing rest upon them in my earnest prayer.

[In the margins: Jack O'Brine supports the men]

[Page 57]
December 1909
Thu 16th Today 15 Xmas dinners were given out amongst the very poor families in my district. One poor woman came to my hall & said sir will you come & see my poor daughter who lies very ill & a dead baby by her side since yesterday morning & nothing to bury it. The undertaker will not bury it without security. I went to the house & found the case real. There the poor young mother lay in bed & by her lay the dead baby.
The poor young woman had no nurishment as her husband was idle & had been so for some weeks. After administering to their bodily wants I told them of Jesus & His love. It was indeed one of the most heartrending cases I met with since I came into the district. They were so thankful to me for the little help & kind word in season. May God bless them.

At 7.30 I conducted our usual Gospel Meeting. When we feet the presence of the Master in our midst.

Fri 17th Meeting of the Missionaries at Central hall this forenoon to arrange matters in connection with Xmas tree in Town hall 10 Xmas dinners were given out to poor families in deep distress.

[In the margins: Mrs Dorman 19 Harrington St]

December 1909
Sat 18th

Sabb 19th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & Gospel Meeting. This morning we had a splendid meeting. The word of God was brought before these men by every speaker in such a way as to move them & let the close as I made the usual appeal 5 of them Professed Christ. May God bless them & keep them.

At 4-o'clock the Sabb School was held. There were 130 children present.

At 6-o'clock the band marched the streets & I do believe God blest the marchers the people turned out in hundreds.

At 7-30 we had our usual meeting. We had a large meeting.

Mon 20th Today 20 Xmas dinners were given out to needy families in my district. Some of them were in a pitiable condition. For example One poor woman who had 6 of a family & her husband idle. She was unable to keep up the rent of her house & took in others who were battling under the same difficulties. There were no less than 25 living under the same roof, & I can a sure you a Xmas dinner was not out of place here as every one of them were in deep need

[In the margins: Mrs Morton 190b Cumberland St]

[Page 58]
December 1909
Tue 21st Today 24 Xmas dinners were given out to poor families in my district. The most of their husbands are idle through the strike & are suffering more than their pride would allow them to tell me. For example
One poor woman whose husband has been idle through sickness for 13 months has 8 little children was suffering very much. Indeed I could not find language sufficient to explain the misery of this case. The poor mother distracted to get bread for the poor little ones. I have visited her all along the line of distress & know her case well. Poor women, as I give her the Xmas dinner she was overjoyed & expressed her thankfulness for the timely help.

At 4-o'clock we held a gospel meeting for men only.

At 7-o'clock Mrs Salmon conducted the little girls sewing class.

Wed 22nd Today 18 Xmas dinners were given out amongst the distressed one in the district.
At 3-o'clock I attended a welcome home meeting to my bro Surryhills. We had a good spirited meeting. There were about 70 woman present Rev Mr Fenwick in the chair.
Tea was served & we all enjoyed the meeting very much

[In the margins: Mrs Cloory 8 Clerence lane]

December 1909
Thu 23rd Today 15 Xmas dinners were given out amongst the district. Poverty prevails every where through my district & we cannot anything like over take the distress. One very touchy case was that of a poor family 8 in number, the father idle a sick uncle, son & daughter who will never be able for work. This family is indescribable. The children in rags & the home wrapped in soverty. I have for many years attended this home & give them a little assistance occasionally, & today as the got their Xmas dinner many a person did not exhibit more joy over a fortune than they did over a good dinner.

Today the rain fell in torrents & towards the evening 180 children turned up & marched amongst the rain to the town hall to the Xmas tree. The poor things as well as the workers were drenched with rain. So soon as they entered the hall where 2000 children met they seemed to have forgotten all their troubles looking at the beautifully decorated tree each one wondering what they would get.

After a moving picture entertainment the children passed out in their order & each one got a toy & all returned home well pleased with their Xmas gifts.

[In the margins: Mrs William Dyers Bd]

[Page 59]
December 1909
Fri 24th Today 11 Xmas dinners were given out. This completes the number. One very deserving case here was Mrs M. 65 Cumberland St There are 9 of them & the father has been sick & unable to work for many years. The poor woman has to leave her little children & go out washing for bread for the children. Many years I have visited them & helped them in their distress. I have taken the poor man to the hospital when almost gone & saved his life. Today the felt so thankful for the Xmas dinner. She is one of the most deserving woman in my district.

Dinner were given out to 125 families Widows 44, Des 1, Sick 47, husb idle 56, children 476, Ch of E. 82, met 4, Rusty 13, R.C. Total 642

Amount £ 31-5-0

Sat 25th Xmas day

J Mathers

[In the margins: Mrs Morris 45 Cumberland St]

December 1909
Sabb 26th This morning at 8.30 we had an unusual Squade of men & through the kindness of Sargent & the Phanox we had a good supply of pudding & pastry for them & I can a sure you they all done justice to the table. We had our usual gospel meeting up stairs.

At 4-o'clock we had our Sabb School & 6-o'clock open air. At 7-30 our Gospel Meeting.

Mon 27th Holiday

Tue 28th Mr Love conducted our mens meeting. "I visited 10 families in my district" & tried to press upon them the necessity of finishing the old year & beginning the new with Christ.

Wed 29th Holiday

Thu 30th Tonight at 7-30 I conducted our gospel meeting we had a very solumn meeting being the last for the year. I tried to picture the past failures of life, & point them along with myself to the necessity of improving the future. In my God grant it is my earnest prayer.

Fri 31st Holiday

[Page 60]
February 1910
Tue 1st This forenoon I visited Sydney hospital to see Mr Banks. I found him slightly better but not an asured case of recovery. He's was glad to see me. I talked to him about Jesus after which I had a word of prayer with him. I visited several in other wards & spent a most Profitable time in the hospital.

This afternoon at 4-o'clock I along with other workers conducted the gospel meeting for men only. We had a very good meeting, & I believe the blessing of God followed it.
Today I visited Mr F Penfold my super & in his usual way give me £ 5-0-0, five £s, towards the breakfast & to help in the work in general.
Many a time in answer to prayer & in a time of deep need Mr Penfold has been lead of God to step in & believe me in my distress. I hope tho Lord will reward him.

Tonight Mrs Salmon conducted her little girls fancy sewing class.

Wed 2nd Today at noon the Missionaries left per S.S. "Paloonce" for Hobart. My prayer is that the blessing of God follow them & that they may be owned of God wherever they go. Also that God may bring them home full of fresh vigor for work.

February 1910
Thu 3rd McIntyre again apprehended on Vegrency, & again released. He is having a very hard time.
The devil is determined to follow him up. He has been such a faithful servant that he does not like to loose him. Detectives & Police are dogging his footsteps on every street & if they cannot get a definite charge against him they run him in on rejrency as a holder. I follow him up & tell him that if he lives Jesus in his life he will be able to live it down & that God will protect him.

Today I give Mrs Aburn an order for groceries. Poor woman has 7 in family & her husband idle for some time. She was glad to see me. Indeed the whole place is full of poverty through the miserable strike.

I also give Mrs L. Stevens Buildings an order for groceries. She has 6 of a family & her husband idle. I found the home in a miserable condition.
It was heart rendering to see the poor naked starved looking little children running through the floor. The poor wives & children are the sufferers in these times

[In the margins: Aburn Ch of E., Lewis C.R.]

[Page 61]
February 1910
Thu 3rd This evening at 7.30 Curley ex boxer conducted the gospel meeting. We had a good lively time.

Fri 4th This forenoon I again visited Sydney hospital & saw Mr B. He is not very promising poor man.

I afterwards visited the Minister for Justices on behalf of Mr Edward Smith Prisoner Darlinghurst Jail. This young man got 12 month hard labour, not to be carried out. I plead before Judge Murray on his behalf & got his sentence shortened.
After 7 months confinement I am now making application for his liberty.
The Minister received one very timidly& was very sympathetic with the work I was doing. he promised to do all he could for me.

Sat 5th

Sabb 6th This morning at 8-30 as usual I conducted our free breakfast & gospel meeting. We had a real good time. At the close as I made the appeal 5 Professed Christ.

At 4-o'clock We had our S.S. We had a very good turn out of children & a very good staff of teachers.

[In the margins: Banks]

February 1910
Sabb 6th At 6-o'clock The band marched the streets & we had a good open air meeting. A very large number of people turn out doors to hear the band & then listen very patiently to the gospel.

At 7-30 we had a good gospel meeting in the hall. Curley & McIntyre took part in the meeting .

Mon 7th Today after Prayer I thought the best thing that McIntyre could do was to go up country & find work for about 12 months & trust make a clean record then come down to the city & there would be no difficulty in finding him work.

As Police were dogging his footsteps & giving him no chance to live. Just as he was at the Railway station the Police again arrest him upon the Vegerency charge which only meant a holder.

This evening at 7.30 We held our band practice.

Thu 8th Today I give a grocery order to Mrs A Gloucester St. This poor woman has 9 of a family & her husband idle for months. They are starving. It is a sorrowful sight to see the poor children suffering from want of proper nurishment. The poor mother was very pleased to get relief. I have to give them a little relief regularly.

[In the margins: Alerdice]

[Page 62]
February 1910
Tue 8th Today I give to Mrs G. Gloucester St. This poor woman has 5 of a family & husband has been sick for a long time. She is a very deserving case. She was very thankful for the little help given her.

I also give a grocery order to Mrs McI. Cumberland St. Some months ago her husband died in Rookwood, she is not strong herself & unable to do anything for a living the poor woman was very thankful for the kind action in her time of distress.

This evening at 7-00 the little girls sewing class was conducted by Mrs Salmon.
At 4-o'clock I conducted the men's meeting. Mr Love give an address which had both grip & grit in it.

Wed 9th This morning at 9-o'clock I attended the funeral of Mr North who has been known to me since I came into the mission & whose wife has been a good friend of the mission.

Mr N. droped dead on Monday morning. His wife requested me to burry him. Us he belonged to the Ch of E. I in company with the Ch of E. Clergyman saw him burried in Rookwood Cemetery.

[In the margins: Girdis, Ch of E., McIntyre]

February 1910
Wed 9th This evening at 7-o'clock Mr Coben conducted the Band of hope.

Thu 10th This afternoon I called upon & visited 10 families in my district & this forenoon I went to Rookwood Cemetery to arrange for the errection of a headstone for my son's grave.

At about noon today Edward Smith was discharged from Darlinghurst jail.
I have made frequent reference to this young man's case in my journal upon previous occasions. I plead for him before Judge Murray, & since then I have made application for his liberty, which they have kindly granted upon condition that he come down to my mission & works with me. The Governor of the prison said to him, now Mr Smith you are at liberty if you go down to Mr Mathers & help him. You are going out of a prison & going into another as he is dealing with the same class of criminal as we are & you want to believe him of some of the work as he has done more for you than any other man. So he is with me this afternoon God bless him. & make him useful in the Masters service as my earnest prayer.

[In the margins: E. Smith's Release from prison]

[Page 63]
February 1910
Thu 10th Continued. This evening at 7-30. Curley & Smith took the meeting. It was a most interesting thing to hear Smith tell his experience in prison & the condition of his release. He told how he read the marked testament I got him every day in prison. Sometimes persecuted but never flinched from duty. O. Flacherty a young man whose mother has a Hotel & he himself barman.

Was a fellow prisoner with Smith & was so influenced by Smith reading the bible to him that he is determined never to go back to the bar of a public house. Tonight he sits on the Platform with Smith as an evidence of the good work done by Smith in prison. Smith said friends. I would not grudge going other 7 months to prison if I could only do any good for the prisoners. There was a solomn awe over all the meeting. I believe God blest the word which fell from both their lips.

Fri 11th

Sat 12th At Home today.

 [In the margins: Meeting addressed by Smith & Curley]

February 1910
Sabb 13th This morning as usual at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. There was a large crowd & immediately after break was over we went up stairs when we had a good lively meeting. Curley lead the meeting & give a very earnest address. He was then followed by Smith who spoke with power & effect. M. Intyre also said a good bye word as he agreed to go up country out of the way of the police according to agreement by the magistrate. The word was felt by all present.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabbath School. We had a nice lot of children.

At 6-o'clock we marched out with the band & had an open air meeting. We reach a class of people through this open air meeting that we would not otherwise reach. They turn out of their doors & listen at their windows when we could not get them all at once to the hall.

At 7.30-clock I conducted our gospel meeting in the hall. Curley, Smith & McIntyre took the meeting.

The meeting was indeed a very solmn one, M. Intyre being ordered out of the country give a farewell word. He wept & many eyes all over the meeting were wet with tears. God blest the word & I believe many received real definite blessing.

[In the margins: Sabbath meetings]

[Page 64]
February 1910
Mon 14th This day was sent in dealing with a very different class of people. I spent the forenoon visiting Sydney hospital & dealing with several patients.
Bowmaker, Banks & Brown & others. I had a very good time with them. I next visited Mr F. Penfold my super & C. Love.

I spent some time advising with McIntyre re his departure. After some time of Prayer he left for the country to build up a character in order to escape the police.

I also went round looking for work for E. Smith the ex prisoner who is going to work with me in the mission. I spent a very busy but profitable day.

Tue 15th This morning I went to Padding to Ormond house to see after a girl for the house.

I afterwards went to 365 Castlereigh St according to Mr Bowmaker's request to make enquiries about a man who had been applying for assistance but I did not find him.

Today I give to Mrs A. Cambridge St 2/- worth of groceries. She has 9 of a family & her husband idle. She was very pleased to see me & to get the little help. They are half starved.

[In the margins: Alerdice]

February 1910
Tue 15th This afternoon at 4-o'clock I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a good testmoney from Mr Smith.

Wed 16th Today I give to Mrs W. 94 Princes St. an order for groceries. The poor woman has 10 of a family & are in a state of starvation she was so glad to get the little help. Through the present strike there are many homes suffering.

Thu 17th Today I called upon & visited 16 families in my district & had the privilege of telling the gospel story.

At 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting. One man arose to his feet & said, I do thank God that on the first Sabb of the year I came down here to the free breakfast I heard the missionary preach the gospel & I was convicted of my sin & made a start in the new life. I went & joined the Church. I am now happy. Some say, if a man is hungry will God give him a meal? I say most emphetically yes, I have proved it. God has given to me my old job & now I am happy. I was right down but now I am right up again. He gave me 2/- towards the breakfast.

[In the margins: Wynberg]

[Page 65]
February 1910
Fri 18th This morning I visited Mr Close Engineer Geo St South to see if I could get my boy into the trade.

Sat 19th

Sabb 20th This morning at 8.30 I conducted our free breakfast & Gospel Meeting. The men partook of a good hearty meal after which they went up stairs when they enjoyed a good bright lively testimony meeting. Mr Leech & Mr Ritcher, Baptist Ministers from Brisbane give addresses. Curley opened the meeting by reading the word after which he spoke of his life & conduct fighting & robing & flying in jail in Brisbane, not knowing the two ministers were from that country.
He spoke of several roberies & of his being in jail along with two boys who were sentenced to death one of them being hanged the other doing life.

I give weight to what Curley said when both of the Ministers bore testimony to what he had said. & were acquainted with the facts. Charlie Woodward & Smith also give testimonies. We had a very lively meeting at the close 2 Professed Christ.

February 1910
Sabb 20th Continued. At 4-o'clock we conducted our S.S.
At 6-o'clock the band marched the streets & we held an open air meeting in Argyle St at the corner of Carrington St. The people turned out well to hear the band & the gospel.

At 7.30 we held our gospel meeting in the hall. Curley read the scriptures & told the gospel Story. At the close of the meeting one man Professed Christ. I do thank God for the good day we had.

Mon 21st Today I called upon & visited 12 families in my district. & had the opportunity of helping to sooth the wounded hearts. Mr C 156 Gloucester St. a poor widow was glad to see me. I often visited this poor widow in times of distress & trial. Today she was so needy of a word of cheer & a little help as ever. Through this wretched strike like many others poor woman she was suffering. After a word of prayer I give her an order for groceries for which she was very thankful.

I called upon Mrs Ryan a poor old crippled & blind widow with a daughter not much better. It is heart rending to see the poor old creatures crawling from chair to chair. Very sad to see such a miserable home. I often help them & the poor old lady is always to see me.

[In the margins: Cooper, Ch of E.]

[Page 66]
February 1910
22nd Today I called upon & visited 13 families in my district. I give a grocery order to Mrs Alerdice Cambridge St. this poor woman has got 9 of a family & had a poor old father living with her & a crippled girl & husband idle for a long time. This home is in a miserable condition. I help them regularly for which the poor woman is truly thankful. It is a most pitable thing to see the poor hungry looking children often without a bit of bread in the house.

At 4-o'clock I conducted our gospel meeting for men only. We had a good meeting & I believe God blest the word.

Wed 23rd This forenoon I called upon & visited 12 families in my district. I visited Mrs R 154 Gloucester St This poor old woman I have described in my previous report. I give her an order for groceries for which she expressed her sincere thanks.
There are three helpless woman in this home all sick. Not one of them able to do a turn of work. The old lady blind & crippled, the daughter very sick & the son in the asylum. It is indeed a pitable family.

[In the margins: Alerdice Ch of E., Ryne R.C.]

February 1910
Thu 24th Today I called upon & visited 14 families. Miss Noble give to 12 families a good supply of tea, relieving over 48 individuals.

At 7.30 I conducted with the assistance of Curley & Smith the Gospel Meeting.
Fri 25th Today I called upon & visited 10 families.

Sat 26th

Sabb 27th This morning at 8.30 I with a large Staff of Willing Workers Conducted our free breakfast & gospel meeting. There were about 200 present at the breakfast & after enjoying a good healthy meal they went up stairs for second course, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the men. Curley, Jack O'Brine, Woodward, Smith, Forsythe & Colloured bro spoke & God blest the word. Miss Gilbert spoke with great feeling that beautiful hymn in Alexander's "No Burdens Yonder" I am once God abundantly blest this hymn from the heart of that little girl. There were wet eyes in the meeting. At close one man came to the front.

[Page 67]
February 1910
Sabb 27th Continued. At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School.
At 6.30 a prayer meeting & at 7-30 Curley & Smith took part in the meeting. At close Smith was the means of leading one of his old chums to Christ. When this man saw the great change in Smith he was lead to enquire & Smith pointed him to Jesus. Praise God. All Glory belongs to him.

Mon 28th This forenoon I visited "Lester" Private hospital to see Mr Dyer Grocer who has undergone a serious opperation. He was glad to see me. I pressed him to put his trust in Jesus, which he Professed to have done. I also dealt with other patients

J. Mathers

April 1910
Fri 1st Holiday

Sat 2nd

Sabb 3rd This morning as usual we held usual breakfast & gospel meeting at 8.30. We had a splendid turnout of men, & a very solmn meeting. There were a number of bright testimonies given. Curley occupied the chair. I followed with an address & an appeal. At close of the meeting 4 men came to the front & Professed Christ. The Lord bless them & keep them.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6 –o'clock we an open air, the band marching round the streets, Large numbers of people turned out to hear the band& listen to the gospel.

At 7.30 we held our gospel meeting

Mon 4th Today I called upon & visited 18 families in my district & had the opportunity of dealing with several regarding their souls. At 7.30 we held our band practice.

Tue 5th The forenoon I visited 6 families & attended to the wants of several men who rejected looking after. At 4-o'clock Jack O'Brine & a scotch missionary addressed the men's meeting.
We had a splendid meeting & deep impressions made. The Scotchman give a very earnest address.

[Page 68]
April 1910
Wed 6th Today I met my wife coming home from Lawson.

Thu 7th This forenoon I visited Sydney Hospital in the interest of a Lady who required medical attendence for her eyes.

Fri 8th This forenoon I was preparing my journal &c.

Sat 9th

Sabb 10th This morning we held our free breakfast & Gospel Meeting, We had a good turn out of men & after as many testimonies as there was time for I made a final appeal with the blessed result that one man came to the front & Professed Christ. At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6-o'clock we held our band march & open air meeting. We had a very encouraging time in the open air & I believe numbers hear the gospel in this way who otherwise would never come under its sound.

At 7-30 we had our Gospel Meeting. Curley occupied the chair & we all felt very much the blessing of God.

April 1910
Mon 11th This evening 8-o'clock we held a social for Lady Collectors & Workers in connection with our mission & I am sure it was exceedingly gratifying to see the crowd who turned up & all Willing to do their best to make the work in connection with its Various branches & departments, a success.

I am sure that not only our gen sec, & President, but every Missionary felt inspired to go forward. No surrender, was stamped upon all our proceedings, notwithstanding the unkindly, feeling exhibited by our worthy brethren the united Charity.

At 7-o'clock we held our band practice.

Tue 12th This afternoon at 4-o'clock I conducted our Gospel Meeting for men only. This is a meeting when we can get right at the men. We open with a hymn & prayer then we give two or three short pointed addresses touching those thing which are common to them in daily life & pointing them to Christ as the only normidy from every ill. We get men who have been saved & kept. We have men of intellect & who have seen better days & they know right well what they ought to be.

[Page 69]
April 1910
Wed 13th This forenoon I called upon & visited 11 families in my district.

Thu 14th Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district, & at 7.30 I conducted our gospel meeting.

Fri 15th Today I called upon & visited 9 families in my district & at 4-o'clock I went to see Mr Wells off to the old country pa S.S. "Otway".
This is the first visit of Mr Wells to the old country since he left, about 36 years ago. So that he is spending a well earned holiday.

Sat 16th

Sabb 17th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. After a good breakfast we went up stairs for second course. We had a very lively meeting. The power of God was felt by many in the meeting. At the close I made the usual appeal with the blessed result that 2 men came to the front& both of them Professed Christ.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. At 6-o'clock we had our band march & open air in front of Milton Terrace. We had a good meeting. The people turned out well.
At 7-30 we held our gospel meeting. We had a good day.

April 1910
Mon 18th This forenoon at 10-o'clock we held a prayer meeting in Central hall Liverpool St.

After which I went to Ormond house in persuit of a girl for the house. I was pleased because they were able to supply me with a very suitable. I then took her home.

At 7-30 we held our band practice.

Tue 19th This morning I went to the Electrical Dept. on behalf of Curley who through work being finished was paid off.

I called upon & visited 18 families in my district & at 4-o'clock I conducted our usual gospel meeting for men only.

At 7-o'clock Mrs Salmond's little sewing band met. This little band is doing good work.

Wed 20th This forenoon I called upon & visited 12 families in my district. I also had the privilege of dealing with several about their souls, & altho there were no definite results. Yet there were impressions made & I hope the Lord will deepen them & lead on to Conversion.

[Page 70]
April 1910
Thu 21st Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district.
This evening at 7-30 Curley addressed the gospel meeting God abundently blest the word. There were characters of the right stamp who listened to a man from their own rank. I do believe many felt the force of the practical pointed word he spoke.

Fri 22nd Today I visited & called upon 20 families in my district. Many of them had their sad tale of woe to tell me. Thank God I was enabled by a word of prayer & advice to help them on & cheer them. These poor souls don't always ask material help but grone for a kind word & to inspire them with new hope. Just to tell them that Jesus is the way out of all difficulties. As you tell them the story of God's love you can easily perceive the change upon their face, & as I am leaving the house it is usual thing to hear to God bless you sir for your visit which always helps us to carry the blessing to others.

Sat 23rd

Sabb 24th This Sabb morning at 8-30 We held our free breakfast & Gospel Meeting immediately after breakfast the men were drafted up stairs for second course. I do thank God for the blessed results. There were quite a number of young men present, & I made a strong

April 1910
Sabb 24th appeal to them to surrender their hearts to Jesus.
I said young men you are here this morning they likely you have left a sad home & well might broken a fond mother's heart. God loves you, Christ died for you, & if you will only step out this morning God will save you then you will not only bring joy in the presence of the Angels but to a poor old mother's heart. Thank God 5 came out, One a medical Dr, Another a Govt. Electrician Another the son of a business man in the old country, another just after lying 19 years in jail & another whose history is not known to me yet. All praise to God the work is his & not mine.

At 4-o'clock the Sabb School was held, & at 6-o'clock the band march & open air meeting. The band played well & brought out the crowd, who listened patiently to the Gospel & afterwards followed us to the meeting.

At 7-30 we held our Gospel Meeting cance out in the morning. God owned & blest their word for I am sure we all felt the power of the word spoken. Mr Bryant followed up the testimonies with a very earnest address upon the word "Heaven what it is,"

[Page 71]
April 1910
Mon 25th This morning I was met at the Quay by the 5 men who Professed Conversion on Sabb morning, when I took them & had their photos taken as I mean to make slides of them in the interest of our mission.

I called upon & visited 18 families in my district.

At 7-30 we held our band practice

Tues 26th This day I called upon & visited 18 families in my district & to a number of them as opportunity afforded I told them the story of God Love.

At 4-o'clock I conducted our Gospel Meeting for men only. We had a real good meeting & the word spoken was much blest.

Wed 27th This forenoon I went in pursuit of work to Govt. Offices for work for men. Afterwards visited 10 families in district, then attended our missionaries prayer meeting at 2-30 p.m.

Thu 28th Today I visited Mrs M.Donald 8 of a family & her husband idle. There were 2 of them sick. They were starving & after prayer & a word. I gave them an order for groceries for which they were very thankful.

At 7-30 I conducted our meeting. We had a very nice lively meeting.

April 1910
Thu 28th Today I relieved Mrs A. Cambridge St. This woman has 9 of a family & one of them suffering from hip joint disease.
The poor woman who is always in need was very thankful for the little help I give her in time of need & distress.

Fri 29th I spent most of today dealing with men not only in the hall but at the street corners& I do thank God for the opportunity of meeting them any where.

At 8-o'clock we made a start with one Choir. In view of our coming Annual meeting.

June 1910
Wed 1st This forenoon I called upon & visited 8 families in my district.
I went to the Govt. Officers in pursuit of work for men & I am thankful that the officials give me every encouragement & promise to start my man. This enables me to keep them. I always like after a man Professes Conversion to find him work if possible.

Thu 2nd This morning I visited the Penfold my super & Received from him £ 2-00 to help on the work. His mother sent this money with him for me.

This evening we held our usual Gospel Meeting at 7-30.

Fri 3rd Today I called on & visited 12 families in my district & had the opportunity of speaking a word for the Master.

[Page 72]
June 1910
Sat 4th

Sabb 5th This morning at 8.30 I conducted the free breakfast & Gospel Meeting. It is very touching to see the number of young men at the breakfast. I made a special appeal to them which thank God had effect, at the close of the meeting 4 of them came out to the front & Professed Christ. May the Lord make it real is my earnest prayer.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb school & at 6-o'clock we held our band march & open air Meeting. I do thank God for this meeting.

The people turn out of their doors & listen very attentively with the result that they follow us to the meeting.

At 7-30 we held our Gospel Meeting. We had a good lively meeting.

Mon 6th Holiday

Tue 7th Today I called upon & visited 10 families in my district. At 4-o'clock I conducted our men's gospel meeting. We had bright testimonies & a good lively meetings we improving . There were 45 men present, I believe God blest the word.

June 1910
Wed 8th Today was the Missionaries Conference in Paddington Mission hall. There were 6 Subjects taken up by the Missionaries. The following opened up the Subjects. Walker, Emory, J. Mathers, Main & Seddon. Each Subject was criticrized in a friendly manner. I am sure that we all enjoyed a very profitable day. & each one of us felt greatly blest.

In the evening we held an open air meeting after which Mr Walker conducted an Evangelistic Meeting in the hall, Rev Mr Moore in the chair.

A conference like this every year brings the Missionaries together & helps to build them up in the word of God this encouraging one another in the Good work.

Thu 9th Today I called upon & visited 21 families in my district & where ever it was convenient I dropped a word for the Master.

This evening at 7-30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting.

Fri 10th This morning at 10-o'clock the Missionaries met at the Central hall for the Purpose of arranging for a big sale of work in the Town hall in Oct.
Each Missionary is to organize in the Various Suburbs. My district being Mosman, Manly, North Sydney & the Rocks.

Choir practice at 7-30.

[Page 73]
June 1910
Saturday 11th Visiting board of health on behalf of a young girl in Coast hospital.

Sabbath 12th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting.
We had a Splendid Gospel Meeting after breakfast. There were a number of short pathetic addresses given & at the close of the meeting 4 came to the front & Professed Christ.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. 6-o'clock we had our band march & open air meeting. We had a real good open air, a large crowd gathered around us & listened earnestly to the word. At 7-o'clock a number of the workers held a prayer meeting.

7-30 we held our gospel meeting. Today was Curley's anniversary. He conducted the gospel meeting taking for his subject the Prodigal son. He treated the subject in his own peculiar manner, a way which only belonged to himself.

Mon 13th Today I attended the Dentist & was unwell.

Tue 14th Today at 4-o'clock we held our men's meeting Mr Talbot & others took part. Unwell & unable owing to my teeth to do much work.

Wed 15th Attended Missionaries Prayer Meeting.

Thu 16th Today I was rather unwell & unable to visit. At 7-30 we held our gospel meeting.

June 1910
Thu 16th Today Miss Noble has been appointed as Deaconess to the district of the Rocks & Millers Point. She has been doing good work for over 12 months in this district amongst the poor & has proved herself thoroughly competent for the work. She is becoming quite a favourite in the district. Following on her track I have the testimony of the people & in many respects is more called upon than myself. I do sincerely hope & trust that God will own her earnest efforts in the good work.

I have never been in more need of a help as at present. My time is so occupied with the men that I am unable to do the visiting which is the backbone of the work.
Through her visiting, my meeting & Sabb school are very much improved.

Tonight at 7-30 we held our gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting.

Today again I was at the Dentist & was very unwell.

[Page 74]
June 1910
Fri 17th Today I called upon & visited 17 families in my district. I got from the Queens Jubilee Fund £ 3-0-0 for the help of Mrs Layton a poor widow whom I have known since I came into the mission. She is a most deserving case & I am sure it was well spent money.

Tonight we held the Choir Practice in view of my 13th anniversary.

Sat 18th Today I went to see bro Thomas. He is very ill. I believe to all human appearence he is nearly the end of his earthly journey.
Sabb 19th The morning at 8.30 we held our free Breakfast & Gospel Meeting. We had a most Solmn Meeting. The word was spoken in power & I do believe the Spirit of God carried it home to the heart.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. The numbers are increasing. At 6-o'clock we had our band march & open air meeting. We are having very good open air meetings & reaching a class of young men who not only stand and listen to us but follow us to the hall with the result that they desire to join the choir & one of them sings solos very beautifully.

June 1910
Sabb 19th From 6-o'clock to 7-o'clock the workers who do not come to the open air conduct a prayer meeting which is necessary to the success of the work. From 7 to half past 7 we have lively singing with the people who come early.

At 7-30 we held our gospel meeting. We had a good meeting & I am sure we all felt the blessing of God.

This afternoon I visited my dear bro who is still sinking & who cannot last very long, but bless God he is ripe for the great change. When I spoke to him he recognised me & said Jamie, Praise the Lord it all right, it will not be long now. Dear fellow he is suffering very much & is very painful to us all.

Tonight the Rev Mr Moore our Gen Secy. took the service & spoke upon, "Mother" it being Mother's day. He handled the subject in such a way as to reach the hearts of every one present. There were wet eyes all over the meeting.

Who would not feel to the very bottom of the heart at the mention of Mother.
 Myself got a blessing. I did love my mother.

[Page 75]
June 1910
Mon 20th Wet day which prevented me from visiting

Tue 21st All day at Bro Thomas preparing for his tea & conceal his 10th Anniversary. Poor fellow he is scarcely conscious but sitting up in the bed scarcely able to breath he tries to make plain to me several cases of poor families, begging me to plead their cause before the public meeting. He put special emphasis upon cases which Sir James Graham as a medical practitioner had been of great service to. His whole heart & soul was wrapt up in the poor of his district. He gave the very strongest evidence of this up to his last dying moments. Rev Mr & Mrs Fenwick were his friends in a very special manner. & as a bro I can never forget them. Mr Freeland & Mr Emery rendered great help & spent the whole day in making it a success. The people turned out well & we had a very pleasant evening. Every body manufested the greatest sympathy with Mrs Mathers & family in their time of deep distress.

Wed 22nd Today I visited & called upon 18 families in my district & attended our missionary prayer meeting. Today was the ladies meeting so arranged for item by fair in Lown hall in Oct. It was also arranged by the

June 1910
missionaries that the Rev Gen Campbell our President should deliver a course of lectures every Wednesday afternoon to the missionary.

This morning I visited Mrs Stranger Mayoress Mosman in the interests of our bi fair she give me a good reception & is going to call a public meeting in the near future. I think it will be a success.

Thu 23rd This morning I called upon 7 visited 20 families in my district. I called upon Mrs O'Sullivan 197 Gloucester St She is a poor widow woman with 3 of a family. The poor woman was in a pitable condition having nothing for the children. She was glad to see me & after a word of cheer give her an order for groceries which was very acceptable. It is heart rendering to meet with such a case as this the woman & two of her children just out of hospital. Her daughter who is married was also unwell & she home was indeed the very picture of misery.

Tonight at 7-30 I conducted our gospel meeting. We had a good time.

[Page 76]
June 1910
Fri 24th Today I visited & called upon 21 families in my district. I took with me Miss Noble to let her see parts of the district through which she had never been. We had a very good time & Miss N has a very winning way & soon finds her way to the hearts of the woman & children.

Tonight at 7-30 was the choir practice in view of the 13th Anniversary

Sat 25th

Sabb 26th This morning at 8-30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. Several of the young convects gave a word & we had a good lively meeting. The men do appreciate the word spoken & God does indeed blesses it to their souls.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. The children are turning out a little better since Miss N. started to visit & invite them & deal with the parents. 6-o'clock we had a prayer meeting – band march & open air. At 7-30 we held our Gospel Meeting & quite a number followed us from the open air. We are having about 20 young men belonging to the place coming every Sabb night. May God give them. This is a step in the right direction.

June 1910
Mon 27th Today I was with my dear bro all day. He died at 9.50p.m. after a hard struggle. It was most painful to us who stood by the bed side & wittensed the suffering one.

I watched him until he dread his last breath & his spirit winged its flight into the presence of the dear Lord who gave it. I stood in the atitude of slint prayer till the last. I do thank you God for the noble testimony he leaves behind him both in his missionary career as well as his home life. My father & mother belonged to the North of Ireland. We were all born there. My mother was a real Christian & in imfanery taught us to love Jesus. When very young she would often say my dear children I hope to meet you all in heaven. We coved our mother she was a methodist right through & her father was a most Godly man & a Local preacher. The furtherest back thing I can remember was his dying words & old calf skin bible from which he preached. My father belonged to the Ch. of England. & when we were young we went to Scotland where father was with his own people.

[In the margins: Death of my dear Bro Thomas]

[Page 77]
June 1910
Mon 27th There were 13 in family 7 died in infancy leaving 6 of us 3 Boys & 3 Girls. The eldest girl Mary got married & over 34 years ago came with her husband & 2 of a family to Australia board of the "Sailing ship "Lady Jordin" She gave birth to a son on board & he was Christened after the name of the ship & Captain Jordin Lennox

The Captain when they arrived visited the home of Mrs Lennox & gave the child a present. The child grew up to a young man 19 years of age when he took inflamination of the lungs & died.

Shortly after this Bro Tom who is now gone home to his rest came out with them on Her same ship, & now returns home again after a severe illness. He joins me my bro Samuel at Shotts near Glasgow in mission work & started business in the drapery line. We all three Got converted at Shotts during the Moody & Sankey reowal 1872-3-4. It was in the year 1874 we got converted I then got a house from the Shotts Iron Coy & fitted the house for the purpose of Conducting gospel meetings in.

[In the margins: Death of my dear Bro Thomas]

June 1910
Mon 27th There the three of us worked together for a period of about 12 years. My younger bro Yorn 8 years. He left & went back to Australia 23 years ago & has remained there until God called him away.

Bro Samuel next left & joined the Glasgow city mission. He was 11 years in their mission. During his missionary life he attended Gilmour hill university for a period of 9 years lifting a bursery every year & passing with honours for the free church of Scotland. He was for about 11 years pastor of the Greengravs free church & was the first minister ordained the new year new Century & the amalgaination of the churches & was the first minister who died from the reign of our beloved Queen in that Church. He died 12 months ago & 11 months later his wife passed away leaving 4 girls behind. This leaven me the eldest bro in Australia & my second eldest sister at the home in the old country. My desire is to live & thus leave behind me as good a record, as they left,
[In the margins: Death of my dear Bro Thomas]

[Page 78]
June 1910
Tue 28th Today My Bro was buried at Rookwood Owing to circumstances we were compelled to bury him the day after his death which give short notice to friends. The most of the Missionaries attended the funeral to Rookwood. The Rev Mr Moore & G Campbell were present, Mr Campbell read the burial service at the grave.

The men's meeting at 4-o'clock was conducted by Mr Love. There were about 50 men present & at close one or two Professed Christ.

Wed 29th Today we were preparing tickets for my Anniversary.

August 1910
Mon 1st This forenoon I called upon and visited 6 families in my district. Afterwards prepared my journals.
Will Curley composed a hymn which I got printed costing 2/6 for 10 copies. Tonight the band practice was held at 7-30.

Tue 2nd This morning I called upon & visited 10 families in my district, & one woman Mrs B. 24 Harrington St whose husband has been off work for some time through an accident. I give her an order for groceries through the sister for which the poor woman was truly thankful. Also a Mrs G. 18 Playfair St a poor cripple widow. She is unable for work & is a very needy case the sister gave her an order for groceries & she felt so thankful. The poor woman threw open her door for a cottage meeting. The workers conduct a cottage meeting every week, & God blesses the work.

Wed 3rd This afternoon at 4-o'clock I conducted our gospel meeting for men only.
This forenoon I dealt with men in the hall who waited on me for advise.

Thu 4th This forenoon I called upon & visited 13 families in my district. Poor me. Murphy 4 Gas Lane 6 of a family. This poor woman & her family were starving. The poor woman was so thankful for a grocery order. May the Lord bless her in her distress. At 7-30 I conducted our Gospel Meeting. We had a splendid meeting.

[In the margins: Bush, Grant]

[Page 79]
August 1910
Fri 5th Today I was preparing my journal & making up my financial statement. Also Choir Practice at 7-30.

Sat 6th

Sabb 7th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast for the unemployed. We had a magnificent meeting. After breakfast the men as usual went up stairs & enjoyed a good gospel meeting. At the close 6 men came out & Professed Christ.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. This last few Sabbaths the attendence is not so large. At this season there is a lot of sickness amongst the people children especially. At 6-o'clock we marched with the band to the Quay where we had an excellent open air meeting. Crowds of men stopped to listen to the word. It is a little noisy with the trams but we get a large audience, & & some of them follow the band to the meeting.

At same time of the open air a prayer meeting is being carried on in the hall.

At 7-30 we held our gospel meeting. We had a very good meeting, & those who decided in the morning came to the meeting tonight,

August 1910
Mon 8th Today I went to several business places to pay off acc's. Also preparing books. At 7-30 we held the band practice.

Today I give Mrs Sullivan an order of groceries. She is a poor Widow with 4 children & the house full of trouble. 2 little children & one of them not long out of the hospital, & a married daughter sick.
Not long ago the sister went to Dr Harris & got crutches for the poor woman as she was not able to walk. It was indeed heart rending to see the poverty & suffering of that home.
The poor woman was so thankful for the kindness shown to her. One feels that in doing a work like this that they are fulfilling that portion of Gods Word, James 1st Ch. 27 v.

Tue 9th This morning I went around collecting my tickets & money, & visited 8 families in my district. At 4-o'clock we held the men's meeting. At close 1 Professed Christ.

Tonight at 7-o'clock we held a workers social. There were about 30 of the workers present We had a very enjoyable evening.

Wed 10th This afternoon I attended Mr Campbell's lecture. The missionaries put several important questions to Mr C. re our sternal state, especially eternal punishment

[Page 80]
August 1910
Thu 11th Today I went around Kent St along with the Sister letting her see a new part of the district where she had never been. We called upon & visited 30 families & got a real hearty reception.

We visited the house of Mrs H. Ager St off Kent St & there we found the home to be in a sad & miserable condition. The husband who is a young man has been off work for over 6 weeks through a burned leg & there are 3 little helpless children. The young wife has been known to me for over 13 years from she was only a child about 7 years of age. I used to visit the father & mother.
Then alive & when first I came to the district. I visited them until their death & now the Mrs M. remembers my visits & speaks highly of the kindness shown then.

Today we give them an order for groceries for which they thank us. & we dealt with the husband about his soul. He is rather dark upon this important question but listened very attentively to our argument & I trust that God will bless it to his souls salvation.

[In the margins: Hansen Ch. of E.]

August 1910
Thu 11th cont. Tonight at 7-30 we held our gospel meeting Owing to sickness which prevails the attendance was not so large.

Fri 12th This forenoon I called upon & visited 8 families. I went to Central hall & in the evening I along with the sister visited the house of Mrs McLelland whose child had died this morning. Poor woman she has a large family & was in deep distress.
I tried to convey to her words of sympathy for which she was very thankful.

At 7-30 I attended our Choir Practice. Mr Daweting is getting up a "Canteter."
"Under the Palms."

Sat 13th

Sabb 14th This morning at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. We had a very good breakfast after which we went up stairs when we had the gospel preached to us earnestly. The men listened with earnest attention to the word. At close one man came out & Professed Christ.

At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. & at 6-o'clock our band march & open air meeting at the Quay. We had a good meeting.

[Page 81]
August 1910
Sabb 14th This evening at 7.30 we conducted our gospel meeting. We had a good lively meeting. The man who decided this morning came to the meeting tonight. He secured work & gave me his testimonials to keep safe for him. They were very splendid testimonials & all spoke very highly of him.

Mon 15th This morning I visited Penfold & Co. Also the Central hall. After which I visited 24 families in my district. I had the opportunity of dealing with a number about their souls.

Tue 16th Today I visited with Sister Noble in Kent St 17 families. We visited Mrs Craig a family I visited when I first entered the district. They were very pleased to see us & we talked over past blessings with joy.

This afternoon I conducted I conducted our gospel meeting for men only. We had 44 men present & God blest the meeting.

Wed 17th This forenoon I visited 10 families in the district afterwards attending our Missionary Prayer Meeting at 2.30. We got real definite blessing.

August 1910
Wed 17th This night at 8-o'clock Mr Smith, Mr Mercer, Sister Noble & Myself went to Hunter Bailie Church Annandale & gave a magic lantern lecture upon our Mission Work, with the view of bringing the ladies together in order to get up a stall in connection with our big sale in the Town Hall Sydney in Oct first.
The people seemed not to realise fully the object of the meeting & we had more children than grown up people. This meeting was not got up in the ordinary way but according to a bequest from the church to me to give a lecture on the Mission Work.
The ladies present were very sympathetic & they promised to do all they could, if they could not get up a stall they promised to contribute towards it.

Thu 18th Today I called upon & visited 10 families & in the evening at 7-30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting. We had a good meeting.

Fri 19th Today I called upon & visited 18 families in my district. We visited Mrs Alerdice 59 Gloucester St. a poor woman with 10 of a family & full of trouble & misery. One little girl has hip joint disease & two of them sick, poor woman she has a great beasthman. I give her an order for groceries for which she was thankful

[Page 82]
August 1910
Fri 19th Tonight we attended Choir Practice. We had a very good turn out. Mr Dowding Choir Master is getting up a Cantota "Under the Palms.".

Sat 20th

Sabb 21st This morning as usual at 8.30 we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting for the unemployed. We had a very good meeting several short addresses were given not without effect. I do believe God blest the word spoken.
At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. The attendence was better this afternoon. At 6-o'clock we had our band march & open air meeting at Circular Quay. The band played well assisting us with the hymns, & people gathered around us. At 7-30 we held our meeting in the hall. We had a very good audience.

Mon 22nd This morning I called upon & visited 16 families in my district. Visited the home of Mrs R. 90B Cumberland St. She has 12 of a family. Her husband unwell. The family are in a starving condition. We give them an order for groceries for which the poor woman was very thankful. One feels they have done the right thing in helping a very needy family like the above.

[In the margins: Ridter R.C.]

August 1910
Mon 22nd Another very important case was that of Mrs H 14 Ayer St. She has 5 family & her husband has been sick for over 6 weeks also a child sick. The husband was present & I dealt with him about his soul. He was rather sceptical but after kind dealing with him he changed his argument & promised if possible to come to the meeting.

Tonight at 7.30 we held our band practice. The band is getting on well, & doing good work in bringing people to the meeting.

Tues 23rd Today I visited & called upon 30 families in my district. We visited Mrs J. 45 Harrington St. Poor woman she was unwell, & her husband only gets a casual days work. This is the Mrs J. who over 7 years ago got converted in my mission & she has been loyal ever since. She 6 family & being very deserving. We gave her an order for groceries which she highly appreciated. Unlike the average women she never complains of her poverty, or asks for charity.

We next called upon Mrs M. 19 Harrington St. This poor woman is in a sad condition from Rheumatism she is doubled up as she sits in bed. One cannot describe her. She is the most patient sufferer for nearly 12 years I have ever known. We read & prayed with her & she did enjoy it so much. She never complains notwithstanding he, much suffering & is more of a blessing to the visitor than the insotai is to her. God bless her, as her time is but short here below.

[In the margins: Hansen Ch. of E., Jones Ch. of E., Moore Ch. of E.]

[Page 83]
August 1910
Wed 24th This morning I visited Dr Sinclair Inspector General for the Insane. Who gave me a book to read to the Womens Meeting. "Known to the Police." Dr Sinclair has a deep interest in the work of the mission. I also interview Mr Green in the State Children is relief Office re blankets for the poor & he told me he had nothing to do with that work now.

I also visited the Colonial Sugar Coy's Office re Sugar. In the afternoon I attended our Missionaries Prayer Meeting.

Thu 25th This day I visited & called upon 15 families in my district. We called upon Mrs Lozlen Merrimen St. When I first entered the mission this was one of the first women I visited & she was so thankful to see me. This woman, very often gives me something for the work.

At 7.30 we held our usual gospel meeting considering the sickness which prevails in the district we had a very good meeting.

Fri 26th This morning at 10-o'clock we attended a business meeting in the Central hall & in the afternoon I visited 8 families in my district. At 7-30 I attended our choir practice.

Sat 27th At Sydney
August 1910
Sabb 28th The morning at 8.30 we as usual held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. I took for my subject God's power & willingness to save the very worst of the men, I pointed out to them the fact that in he was not a man no matter how far sunken in sin he was, but the Lord Jesus could save, one man in the audience who only came for the first time, heard the glad message with joy & at the close my son Thomas dealt with him & he desired for Jesus. He was David Jones head cutter, & I am thankful to say that he found work & is doing well.

Also another man came to the front & Professed Christ. We had a blessed meeting

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. The attendence was improved. We offered a prize to the boy or girl who brought the most scholars & it was successful.

 At 6-o'clock we went to the square without the band & we had a very good open air meeting. A Scotchman & his wife who are new arrivals heard Mr Cobin a big Scotchman speak & they followed us to the meeting from the boarding house. We had a conversation with them & they happened to have come from the same place where we came from. They were glad of a word of advice.

[Page 84]
August 1910
Sabb 28th At the close of the meeting one man came to the front & said. You men at the back know me, you know the life I had lived, I had from £ 10 to £ 15 pm week & I spent £ 800 in 8 weeks ago I came to this breakfast & at the close I accepted Christ as my saviour & what He has done for me he can do for you. After he finished a man came to the front & shook hands with him & give him his heart to Christ.

Mon 29th Today 20 of us went to Newmyton Asylum. We went round the Varandahs & sang & spoke a word to the old women. We also give them parcels of tea & litecture. We finished up by holding a meeting in the large dining room. We had a busy day & the old folks were pleased to see us. There was Mrs Moore. We all missed her, many of the old women when her name was spoken of shed tears.

Tue 30th Today I called upon & visited 15 families in my district & had the opportunity of speaking to them about their soul. At 4-o'clock we held our gospel meeting for men only. We had a good meeting.

August 1910
Wed 31st Today I called upon 25 families in my district & in the afternoon I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting. We also held a business meeting in connection with our sale in the Town Hall.

October 1910
Sat 1st Today was the great no licence demonstration your bras band with about 60 children all furnished with Banncretts marched to the domain where we joined thousands of other children.
It was a magnificent sight & I am sure was an eye opener to the publican & sinner such a sight will have a lasting empression & will live in the memory of the people. All passed off without a hitch. About 4-15 pm. Our children as they marched in procession from the domain got a bag of buns & lollies which they enjoyed.
It was very pleasing to see the good conduct of the children.

[Page 85]
October 1910
Sabb 2nd At 8.30 this morning we held as usual our free breakfast & gospel Meeting. We are working strictly to ticket in an order that we might bring the men under the sound of the gospel, for after all the breakfast is only a means by which we have the opportunity of getting at those men with the Gospel.
We believe the Gospel is the only power by which such men, or even any men, can be lifted out of the gutter of sin. We might give them 3 meals a day & still they would be the same old men, with the same deceiteful heart, but when the Gospel of Gods grace lays hold on them they are saved & kept.
We had a very solmn meeting this morning & the message of eternal truth found its way to the hearts of some of the men. At the close of our meeting two men came out & Professed Christ.

At 6-o'clock we held our open air & band march & at 7-o'clock the workers held a prayer meeting.

At 7-30 we held our gospel meeting.

Mon 3rd Holiday

October 1910
Tue 4th This afternoon at 4-o'clock we held our men's gospel meeting. We had a very cheery meeting & I believe the word was blest.

This evening Mrs Salmon held her little sewing band. This class about 10 in number do a splendid work. The work they do is fancy work. They were a great help to our place in connection with the fair to be held in the town hall on the 19th inst.

Wed 5th This morning I visited & called upon 10 families in my district.

I also attended a ladies meeting at 3-o'clock in the Central Hall in connection with our big fair.

At 7-o'clock we held our band of hope.

Thu 6th Today I called upon & visited 10 families in my district & went round begging in the interest of our big sale.

At 7-30 we conducted our gospel meeting. There were 80 present.

Fri 7th Today I was working in the interest of the big sale.

Sat 8th

[Page 86]
October 1910
Sab 9th This morning at 8.30 as usual we held our free breakfast & Gospel Meeting. After breakfast the men went up stairs where they enjoyed bright singing & a number of lively testimonies.
At 4-o'clock we held our S.S. At 6-o'clock we had our open air march with the band. Also a splendid open air meeting. While we were holding forth in the open air. A number of the workers conducted a prayer meeting.
From 7 to 1/2 past 7 the people enjoyed bright singing & 7-30 we held our Gospel Meeting. We had a splendid day.

Mon 10th This afternoon I met Prisoner Francis on his release from jail. This man has spent 19 years & 11 months in prison. He Professed Christ & I believe he is a good case.

He is a splendid speaker & very humble. He was one of a gang of workers who made their mark where ever they went. When in prison I visited him & told him when he got his liberty he was to come straight down to me & I would do all I could for him & now thank God he is with me & gives a blessed testimony.

October 1910
Mon 10th This afternoon at 3-o'clock I attended a ladie's meeting in Central hall in the big Sale to be held on the 19th . We had a very nice meeting & business was gone into very hearty.

Tue 11th Today I gave a groceries order to Mrs A. 59 Cambridge St. The poor woman has a very hard struggle & has 9 of a family. One little girl has got hip joint disease. The father only gets a casual days work.

This afternoon at 4-o'clock we held our men's gospel meeting.

Wed 12th Today I called upon & visited 10 families in my district. I also went round some of my people in the interest of our big sale.

At 2.30 I attended our missionary prayer meeting. We had a soul refreshing time & I am sure each of us felt the power of the Master & better fitted for the work which lay before us.

Thu 13th The greater part of this day was spent in the interest of our coming big sale.

Today we met with Stall holders to arrange with the ladies for each day that every one might know their duty. At 7.30 we held our usual gospel meeting.

[In the margins: Alerdice Ch. of E. 59 Camb. St.]

[Page 87]
October 1910
Fri 14th Today I called on & visited 15 families in my district. I had the opportunity of dealing with some of them about their souls.

At 7.30 we held our choir practice. We had a very good turn out.

Sat 15th

Sabb 16th This morning at 8.30 We as usual conduct our free breakfast & Gospel. The work being more plentiful some of the men were absent. There were a willing staff of workers, each one doing their best to put a bit of cheer into the lives of these poor men.

After breakfast we went up stairs when we had a good gospel meeting. The word of the eternal truth was brought before them. The men did enjoy the meeting, & I do believe God blest the word to their souls.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. & at 6-o'clock we had our band march & open air meeting. I do thank God for the opportunity of preaching the word to so many in the open air.

While we were outside a number of the workers conducted a prayer meeting. Seeking God's blessing on the work. From 7 to 1/2 past. There was good lively singing.

October 1910
Sabb 16th At 7.30 we held our Gospel Meeting. We had a good meeting.

Mon 17th This morning I went to Hotel Metropole for Some Crockery which they promised. They arranged with me to send a cart for it in the afternoon which I did.
I got about 400 plates of various kinds.

This afternoon we were preparing material for our stall, getting everything ready. At 10-o'clock this morning the Missionaries met in the Central hall to make the final arrangements for our big sale.

Tue 18th This forenoon I took a man to the town hall letting him see where to put tables & trusles on there arrival. This afternoon at 4-o'clock Mr Talbet & the Duke took the men's meeting.

At 10.30 All the missionaries met at the Central hall. All went over to Town Hall when we spent the night untill 6-o'clock the following morning errecting the stalls. We had a hard job not being accustomed to that class of work we felt very tired & knocked out by morning. However we got through the work & all the Missionaries worked in harmony which made the work after all, light. About 8-o'clock Wednesday morning the ladies came on the scene & commenced operation & soon every thing was in its place & the large hall looked like ferry bank.

[Page 88]
October 1910
Wed 19th 1st days opening. At 3-o'clock Lady Chalmsfird accompanied by Lady Mayoress & others declared the fair opened. There were a good number of people present & every stall in the building looked magnificent. Our stall took £ 6 -2-8. The days takings were £ 270-00 considering the great variety of other things we had a fair day

Thu 20th Second day of Sale. We were rather dull today & takings were not so large. Our stall took £ 2. 11-10.

Fri 21st Third day. We were still slow today our stall £ 2-3-2.

Sat 22nd Forth day. This being the last day the people began to flock & every stall seemed to be busy. Our stall took £ 4-10-0. Although it was not so successfull as on previous occasions still we have great reason for thankfulness. Owing to the many things all over the city & suburbs & numerous tea & concerts in all our districts including the big tea in town hall. We done very well. It was remarkable the splendid harmony which existed among the workers from beginning to end. The hall was cleared off by the Missionaries & their workers in the quickest of notice.

October 1910
Sabb 23rd This morning at 8.30 as usual we held our free breakfast & gospel meeting. We had a very Solmn meeting this morning. We give them good singing which they love, poor souls there is not much song in their lives, & we try to put as much cheer into them as possible. Altho there were no decisions yet we had some enquiring the way of life.

At 4-o'clock we held our Sabb School. & at 6-o'clock with the band we held an open air at Milton Terrace.

At 7.30 I conducted our usual gospel meeting. Mr Hughes after about 6 months standing came to the meeting. he said sir holding up his hand. You see by my hand I am working now & the suit of clothes I have on is the first I bought since I came to the country. I used to delight in white hands but now I delight in a hand hard & conlered by hard honest work – I am still trusting in Jesus & am happy.

Mon 24th This morning I called upon & visited 10 families in my district, dealing with men & women about their souls when opportunity afforded.

Tonight at 7.30 was our band practice.

Tue 25th This afternoon at 4-o'clock the gospel meeting for men only was conducted.

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October 1910
Wed 26th This afternoon I called upon & visited 14 families in my district & at 2.30 I attended our Missionary Prayer Meeting when we had together a soul refreshing time.

Thu 27th This forenoon I prepared my lantern for a lecture which was given by a missionary on the Bolivian Mission.
There were about 100 present & the lecture was most interesting. One afour worker's Miss Medealf is going to this Mission so soon as we get funds raised for that purpose. Also other two young men, Cobin & Talbet are preparing for China Inland Mission.
The Collection was 12/- which we give to the missionary.

Fri 28th Today I called upon & visited 17 families in my district.

Sat 29th

Sabb 30th This morning as usual we held our free breakfast at 8.30. We had not such a big crowd this morning owing to the work being a bit brisk, for which I am very thankful. My Pygon & his daughter sang & several testimonies were given & the meeting was very lively.

4-o'clock we held our Sabb School & at 6 open air with band. At the same time we had prayer meeting going on in hall.

October 1910
Sabb 30th At 7-30 Mr Hill conducted our gospel meeting. He took for his subject the second coming of the Lord. The meeting was very interesting.

Mon 31st This forenoon I visited Mr Penfold & Mr Love collecting the Sister's Salary, & in the afternoon preparing journal & making up my financial accounts.

At 7-30 was our band practice.

[Transcribed by Darren Blumberg for the State Library of New South Wales]