Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
Patrick Geraghty - conditional pardon granted 11 March 1830, issued 21 June 1831
MLMSS 7236
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No. 31
Whereas His late Most Excellent Majesty King George The Third, by a Commission under the Great Seal of Great Britain, bearing the Date the Eighth Day of November, in the Thirty-first Year of His Majesty's Reign, was Graciously Pleased to Give and Grant full Power and Authority to the Governor (or in Case of his Death or Absence the Lieutenant Governor) for the Time-being of His Majesty's Territory of the Eastern Coast of New South Wales and the Islands thereunto adjacent, by an Instrument or Instruments in Writing, under the Seal of the Government of the said Territory, or as He or They respectively should think fit and convenient for His Majesty's Service, to Remit either Absolutely or Conditionally the Whole or any Part of the Term or Time for which Persons convicted of Felony, Misdemeanor, or other Offences, amenable to the Laws of Great Britain, should have been, or should thereafter be respectively Conveyed or Transported to New South Wales, or the Islands thereunto adjacent.
By Virtue of such Power and Authority so vested as aforesaid, I, Lieutenant General
RALPH DARLING, Captain General and Governor in Chief of His Majesty's said Territory of New South Wales and it Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same, taking into Consideration the good Conduct of Patrick Geraghty who arrived in the Colony in the Ship Canada 3 - Master, in the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifteen under Sentence of Transportation for Life and whose description is in the margin -
Do hereby Conditionally Remit the Remainder of the Term or Time which is yet to come and unexpired of the original Sentence or Order of Transportation passed on the aforesaid Patrick Geraghty at Westmeath County on the - Day of March One Thousand eight hundred and fourteen
Provided Always, and on Condition, that the said Patrick Geraghty continue to reside within the Limits of this Government for and during the Space of his original Sentence or Order of Transportation: - Otherwise, the said Patrick Geraghty shall be subject to all the Pains and Penalties of Re-appearing in Great Britain and Ireland, for and during the Term of his original sentence or Order of Transportation; or, as if this remission had never been granted.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Territory, at Government House, Sydney, in New South Wales, this eleventh Day of March in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty thirty
Ra Darling.
Registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office
Alex Mc.Leay
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I Certify that His Majesty's Gracious Approbation and Allowance of the within Conditional Pardon, granted to Patrick Geraghty.
has been signified to me by the Right Honorable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in his Despatch, No. 85, dated 9 October 1830
Given under my Hand, at Government House, Sydney this
Twenty first Day of June
One thousand eight hundred and thirty one
Ra Darling.
Entered upon Record, at Pages 61 and 62 No.2 Register, this twenty-first Day of June
One thousand eight hundred and thirty one
Alex Mc.Leay
Col. Secy.
No. 52
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Standing Number, -
Name, - Patrick Geraghty
Ship, - Canada 3
Master, - Grigg
Year, - 1815
Native Place, - Westmeath County
Trade or Calling, - Labourer
Offence, - Robbery
Sentence, - Life
Year of Birth, - 1792
Height, - Five foot two and a half inches
Complexion, - Ruddy
Hair, - Sandy
Eyes, - Hazel
General Remarks, -